2012年9月30日 星期日

New Trends in UK Dating

Just like other countries, the UK has its share of singletons. Some are freshly out of school. Others have made the rounds already. Many don't know how to go about finding that perfect UK mate. But UK dating doesn't have to be so worrisome. Besides traditional dating, there are a number of other ways for singletons to meet. This is whether they have the time to go to bars or not. Even active, busy adults can find companionship. Online dating sites and singles events can be a great place to find someone.

Online dating sites have taken off since the beginning of the 21st century. At first, it garnered a negative reputation. After all, in a civilized place like the UK, wasn't face-to-face meetings expected? What kind of strange people met on the Internet? But slowly, online dating gained acceptance. This may have been because of already well-established sites in other countries. Or it could have just been that nobody had really considered the potential of online dating. For whatever reason, online dating services have become second nature in the UK ever since.

There is something refreshing in being able to sit at home and find a date. Online sites allow users to create a profile for this purpose. UK men and women use this profile to introduce themselves to others. Especially those who might like the same things. Or hold the same beliefs. And since there are so many sites available, there is no end to the possibilities. Now that online dating has taken off, dating sites are beginning to specialize. Some direct themselves to single parents; others point toward homosexuals. Still others use religion to bring like-minded people together. As it becomes more popular, this trend will continue.

There is another popular UK dating trend that deserves mention. This is the "singles dating event." This category includes weekend singleton events. It also includes speed dating. Invented in the States in the late 1990s, it has spread throughout the UK. Its beginnings were straightforward. Rabbis invented the process to match Jewish singles together. But it took off and expanded. Now, speed dating is a very popular and widespread singles event.

Speed dating works off the principle that it only takes a few minutes to realize if a relationship will work out. Men and women meet in one location. The event is usually hosted by a third party. With a near-equal number of men to women, they are put together. Each meeting lasts five to ten minutes. Then the partners switch. Eventually, all the men have paired with all the women. At the end of the night, matches are provided with pertinent contact information.

Modern UK dating has left the old days of traditional courtship behind. Now there is the freedom to date across class lines. And racial, religious and ethnic lines as well. Where there was once love in private, couples today are free to express their love in public. While everything seems to have changed, the peoples' value of love remains. And as long as that never changes, the means to find love and companionship will continue to expand.

Jason Hulott is Director at UK Dating Online, a online dating [http://www.uk-dating-online.co.uk] website with reviews of the major dating services as well as lots of useful articles, resources and tips to help you make the most of your dating experience.

Launch Your Post Divorce Love Life - 5 Steps From Dating Inertia to Meeting Men

Are you MIA (missing in action) regarding your dating life? No dates. No effort put towards your love life. No closer to finding the love you want and deserve.

When you are super busy, your love life can be left languishing on the side lines. If you find that most of your life leaves no room for dating, that means you are dating MIA.

So what's a woman to do? Here are five tips I share with my dating coaching clients to launch your love life and move past dating inertia.

1. Become conscious of your tendencies to hide out.

Notice what you do to keep yourself locked into your current single lifestyle. Then decide what you could do differently to improve your odds of meeting men and finding love.

2. Smile more.

Make an effort to smile at people you see on the street, in line at the bank or walking in the mall. Turn this into a practice and you'll end up looking like a happy, friendly woman who is easy to approach! You can't lose when you smile more because you'll probably feel happier too. Plus, you'll make other people smile - spreading that good feeling where ever you go.

3. Get a dating buddy.

Find a single girlfriend who also wants to take action to find love and go to singles events together. A dating buddy can make things a lot easier to try. You'll support and encourage each other to get out there, meet new people and keep moving forward. Be accountable to each other and don't let anyone poop out on the promise to meet and mingle.

4. Visit Meetup.com and join groups.

Every city has loads of options from singles groups, from scrabble or book clubs, to ski clubs etc. The sky's the limit so join a few to find a couple you like. This is a great way to meet more single friends and prospects who are geographically desirable.

5. Walk your dog!

It's not only good exercise for you and the pooch - I continue to hear stories of lovers who met in a dog park! This is a great way to meet all kinds of new people, especially with a new puppy. But any friendly dog will make a great conversation starter. Don't just smile - take it a step further and have a real conversation. It might not lead to anything, but hey, you never know. Many marriages have their roots at the dog park.

There are countless ways to turn around your missing in action situation. Get off your proverbial butt and vow to do something this weekend. Look in the calendar section of your paper, call a friend and get out there. Your love life is waiting.

Discover 5 Big Turnoffs that Drive Men Away and 7 Surefire Ways to Make Men Want You by Ronnie Ann Ryan, The Dating Coach. Get her FREE eBook instantly, at http://www.MANifestingMrRight.com. Ronnie found love and married after 40 and knows you can too! She's helped over 1,500 people jump start or accelerate their search for love. People fall in love every day. You could be next!

2012年9月29日 星期六

Online Singles Dating Sites Are Means to Find Online Relationships

Online relationships and marriages are generated from online singles dating sites. Singles dating online seek their dates through these dating sites. It is so popular in recent years where on line singles seek their soul mates on Net. Online singles websites provide a great means to help people to find love on the Internet. This computer world is great. We can do almost every thing online. We can shop online and even seek love on line. Many websites offer single women and men to look for online singles free. Never cost you a fee to find love at these free singles websites. For less than drinking a cup of coffee, you see your future soulmate on your computer screen.

You lose confidence once you broke up with your partner. The long time partner left you and you felt brokenly hearted. How do you fix your broken heart? Online singles dating websites help you to search for a new life companion again. Your last relationship bored you too much about the companionship and emotional bond. However, you need to be loved. Being single does not make you to succeed in life. Love can make people to try and work harder. You have a main purpose to work and to live. Breaking up with your last partner will make you feel lonely and bored. You need to stay positively. You need to laugh louder. You need to make your ex to be proud of you by find a better singles dating partner. Searching for that special partner from online singles dating sites is the only choice.

Online singles do not have to go to the bars to seek dates. Your future date is right there at these online singles websites. You need to find yourself the courage to get out there to find a great online dating singleton. You should not be depressed when you enter the singles dating scene. You need to start dating again. Joining these great online singles services to find dating singles is easy and simple. You need to register your personals dating ad, search for other singles, then contact them. They will reply back then you can start chatting with them. These online singles have the same situation as yours. That is, they are singles who seek online partners.

There are two types of singles dating websites. Free singles dating websites offer free registration as well as free contacts. These free dating web sites provide a free two-way matching service. Online singles do not pay any fee. Paid dating services charge members monthly membership fee, but not expensive. It is recommended to join free singles dating services for starters.

Seeking singles from free singles dating websites is easy as 1, 2, and 3. All you have to do is to register a good personals dating ad, search for some dating singles, contact them, and then begin dating. Being single makes you to feel lonely and bored. Do not let your other half to wait too long. Your future partner is waiting online. Join these free online singles websites now and meet that special soul mate of your dream.

Are you looking for a free dating site in USA to find online relationships many free singles dating sites offer means to find love & romance at 100% free and there are plenty of fish dating online waiting. These are 100% free singles dating websites and free personals services.

5 Must-Know Tips For Boomer Women Dating Online

Dating sites report that their fastest growing segment are people over 50. My clients, women ranging from 35 - 65, are having great success with it. Face it: online dating is the new hot spot for people who wouldn't dream of meeting someone in a bar.

You know I'm a huge proponent of online dating. I met my husband on Match.com when I was 47. He was 57. That man is the best part of my life. I love the idea of finding companionship and love using online dating.

Boomer woman at computer I want you all online. But before you put yourself out there, here is advice and tips from a gal who was online for years herself; and now helps other women get out there, have some fun, and find love.

1. Be the Boss

No, I don't mean be bossy. I mean be in control of your experience. Online dating opens you up to thousands more possibilities, and it's a completely new way of meeting people. Make some decisions and set some personal guidelines about how you want to integrate it into your life. How many hours will you spend each day? (Warning: this can get addictive!) What things can you do to ensure your physical and emotional well being as you talk to and meet people? What can you learn or change to be a successful dater? Intuition and special situations will create forks in the road. And as time goes on, you'll likely tweak some of these decisions. Considering some things up front, however, gives you a tentative roadmap and, more importantly, an expanded awareness. I want you to have fun, be open to new things, and enjoy the experience; just do it consciously and like the grownup woman that you are.

2. Stand out

Plain and simple: you have competition girlfriend. As we age, the ratio of women to men grows further apart. Some statistics say it's as much as 11 women to each man after 55. Yikes! So when you get online, I want you to stand up and stand out. Make sure your pictures are great. Get them done professionally. (Come on...$150 is too much to spend to attract a fabulous man??) Your profile needs to be unique and speak to men. (Tip: If your best girlfriend loves it; it probably sucks.) Every communication needs to scream how special you are, show your personality, and tell him you're interested. ("Hi" on the subject line means you wait in line or get deleted.)

3. Be honest

You are online, but your goal is to actually meet men, yes? One of the top complaints of men is that we post pictures that are...let's say...out of date. Just don't do it. Post lovely, yet current, pictures. It's disingenuous and a waste of time to do otherwise. Also, be clear about what you're looking for. I find that at 50, 60, and beyond there is a wide spectrum of what type of partner men and women are looking for. Whether you want a dinner partner or a husband; put it out there. There's no need to scream it, but weave it into your profile. If you want a life partner, you don't attract that man who is out there "just having fun." (Trust me, with Viagra and a computer...a man can have a lot of fun!)

4. Consider a makeover

When is the last time you updated your look? Have you changed the way you apply your makeup or wear your hair? Have you bought any new styled clothes? Doing this is as much about looking good for a man, as it is about feeling good for yourself. A confident woman who takes care of herself and looks healthy is a man magnet. Go to your local department store and have a free makeup session. (All the lines do this, did you know?) Splurge for a fancy hair style. Check out catalogs like Coldwater Creek, J Jill, or Chicos. You don't have to necessarily buy - but check out what's hot (and what's not).

5. Check your baggage

Yes, I do mean don't drag your nasty divorce, money troubles, or last case of gout into the conversation. (At least not anywhere near the beginning of getting to know someone.) But, as important, don't drag in all those beliefs and decisions you made 20 years ago. The woman you are today is nowhere near the girl who dated way back when. I'm telling you to check all your checklists. Check the one that defines "the perfect man" and what he must do or not do to get to the next date? Check the one that has all your "truths" about yourself, about dating, and about men. It's important to take time to ground yourself in who you are and what you want in your life today. Do this by yourself, with a friend, or with a coach. But do it.

Gotta go. Be good to yourself.

Men to Avoid Dating - A Girl's Conversation Cheat Sheet

Are you a single woman trying to find your Mr. Right? Then you need my 'Conversation Cheat Sheet'. It helps you avoid meeting or considering a first date with a guy who is wrong for you. My cheat sheet works best when you haven't met the guy yet. Let's say you've started talking on the phone after he's contacted you from an internet dating site. My cheat sheet shows you how to find those red flags that tell you when the guy is "bad news". The most important thing you must realize is that talking on the phone at length with a guy you're considering meeting for first time or even considering a first date with after you briefly met  each, is very important if you are looking to find a potential "friend/companion with benefits, love interest, or dating partner". Screening a guy on the phone is crucial. Why?

Well, the 1st reason you must talk at length on the phone before you meet him or date him is because you have to find out about his "attitude" about key things in his life, including his attitude about himself and the people in his life. Believe it or not, a guy's attitude about his life is easy to detect when you talk on the phone once you know what questions to ask and how to read his attitude in his answers. And that's why I devised this cheat sheet; to show you how to read his attitude. You can figure out his attitude about a lot of things in just a few phone conversations. And that attitude will tell you how well he will treat you, whether you are compatible, and whether he can offer you what you are looking for in a dating relationship. Find this hard to believe? Are you saying to yourself right about now, "Yeh, right, I barely got to know my boyfriend after dating him 6 months, so how will I know anything about a guy in just 2 phone conversations?" Well, most women do find out a lot about a guy's attitude on a myriad of things in just a few phone conversations, but they do not consciously acknowledge seeing these things to themselves. That's because they are so intent on landing a guy, that they just want him to like her and desire her. They just worry about the guy wanting them instead of focusing on whether the guy is even right for them. And that's the problem with feeling desperate about getting a boyfriend. You make choices based on fear, and not based on truly loving and caring about yourself.

The 2nd reason you must use this cheat sheet and screen a guy on the phone is because you must get in touch with YOUR ATTITUDE ABOUT THE GUY'S ATTITUDE. Yes, believe it or not, we usually have already established in our mind subconsciously an attitude about the guy we've spoken to. We have reacted to his words and formed our own attitude about his attitude on life and buried it deep inside us. So, this cheat sheet is really a way for us to acknowledge what we already see about him and unearth our attitude about it. We will see if he is going to have an attitude that focuses on us and respects us and treats us well. We will frankly see our attitude about his attitude towards his ex. We will acknowledge when we don't like his attitude about blaming his wife for everything. We will acknowledge how we feel, which is "if he can talk this way about her, he can treat us in the same disrespectful way." We often "blindly" see red flags about the guys we date and ignore them. But when we follow the cheat sheet, we face seeing these things and don't blindly give a guy a chance thinking this time he'll be different with us. The truth is, for most guys, they never change how they live their life or treat women. They won't work less, stop being promiscuous, spend less time with their kids or be less frugal with money.

One of the things women tell me when they use "the Cheat Sheet" is that they never find a guy that passes the cheat sheet test. "If I go by the cheat sheet," then I'll never have anyone to date" they tell me. And my answer to you is this: The cheat sheet works in miraculous ways. It helps you to eliminate many potentially bad dating partners in your life. Yes, you may have a dry spell from dating anyone for awhile, but you are also avoiding many potentially bad relationships. You may be dateless for months, passing up opportunity after opportunity with all those potentially wrong partners. And then, one day, when you are open and free and have made it clear to the universe exactly who you are looking for, that guy who passes the cheat sheet with flying colors will come into your life. Yes, you may not date as much at the beginning of using the Cheat Sheet test and that's fine. Being selective means weeding out all those potentially wrong partners. Giving anyone a chance by dating him is just telling the universe there is something about this guy I don't like but that's okay. '"It's okay for me to date guys that have things about them I don' like" is the message you give the universe. Because the truth is, deep in your subconscious you are aware of the hings you don't like about him. And that is why this type of guy keeps entering your life:  The wrong one for you that you just keep accepting.

Another reason it's important not to meet or date a guy you've met right away is because, when you meet a guy and have a strong physical attraction to him, all your common sense about whether he's right for you goes out the window. Yes, you'll tend to overlook those red warning flags about him that will ultimately make you miserable when the sexual chemistry starts to wane in the relationship. The Cheat Sheet gives you red warning flags about a GUY'S ATTITUDE that shows whether he is capable of being a caring and giving love partner. It gets you in touch with your attitude about whether he is right for you. Most women look at statistical facts about a guy to decide if he is dating worth dating her. But statistical facts mean very little. Why? Because a guy can make $150,000 yearly and be so cheap that he acts like he earns $35,000 yearly; a guy can be a loving father with his kids and make them his whole life to the point of making you feel like "the other woman" in his life; a guy can have a great job and work day and night and never be there mentally or emotionally for you. Get the picture? It's his attitude about money, his kids, and his job that matter. And this attitude is one he will show you when you talk on the phone, if you know how to look for it.

My Cheat Sheet covers a man's attitude about these key areas of his life:

1) his attitude about past relationships with women including his wife

2) his attitude about work and play

3) his attitude about valuing the things you value in your life

4) his attitude about money

5) his attitude about sex and monogamy

6) his attitude about his hobbies and addictions

7) his attitude about his kids

8) his attitude about himself and his life in general .

There is a lot you can tell about a guy's attitude in the key areas of his life from just a few conversations with him, without getting into details and facts about his life. Most guys are very transparent about their attitude towards women, work, money, sex, their kids, and you. It's his attitude about these things that matter more than the facts about them. Knowing his attitude about these things just takes a few phone conversations, when you know what to talk about and focus on. And a few phone calls is a whole lot better than going out on an uncomfortable blind date and then realizing the guy isn't for you. So if a guy pressures you to meet him right away, just say you aren't sure yet when you'll be free. Let him keep calling you and you'll eventually get a good idea about his attitude on a lot of things very quickly. And if he passes the "Cheat Sheet Red Flag test", then meet him with the positive attitude of knowing he has the potential of being a good partner for someone. And that someone might possibly be you. After all, wouldn't you prefer to know before meeting a guy that he is cheap or a workaholic, than start dating him and finally realize it after months of dating? I know I wish I had.

So let's get started:

The Cheat Sheet Test Red Flag #1: His Attitude about his Past Relationships with Women

You don't need to know the details about how many women he's dated since his divorce or how many women he's had sex with since he left his wife, even though it would be nice to know. Most likely a guy will not want to talk about it or tell you the true details on the phone before he meets you (or possibly ever). But he will usually have something to say about his ex and why the marriage ended or why the relationship ended with his girlfriend. You must bring up the subject by asking him how long he was with his ex and why the relationship or marriage ended. Then sit back and LISTEN TO THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY! The most important thing is HIS ATTITUDE about the past women in his life. Does he act respectful towards his ex? Does he harbor angry feelings? Does he blame her for ruining his life? Does he show resentment towards her? Does he have the attitude that she was the one responsible for the marriage ending or she cheated on him? Does he have the attitude that he was a victim of her mean, cheating, unappreciative behavior? Does he own up to any part in the relationship failing? Does he refer to her using derogatory words like "bitch" or "slut"? Does he still have a good relationship with her if he shares custody of the kids with her? Another sign to look for is whether he is still emotionally attached to his ex. Does he talk about her endlessly by either talking about how much he dislikes/hates her; all the things she did to him; or can he not even bring up the subject of talking about her without looking like he's going to implode? Some men are not emotionally over an ex, the pain or anger is deep within them and you will sense it. AVOID MEETING OR DATING GUYS LIKE THIS. If he has a healthy attitude about women and his ex, he may say very little but what he does say will sound respectful and he will act fine with the fact the relationship ended. He will not hold any grudges or harbor any ill will or deep rooted resentment and anger. When a man is narcissistic, with deep rooted anger issues towards women, he never owns up to his responsibility in a relationship or life in general. Sometimes a man is in a relationship where the woman cheats on him and he is a victim of her promiscuity, but even that kind of man is one you want to avoid. He still has intimacy issues with women. Most men who have anger towards an ex are often guilty of "objectifying" women. They see women as servants that are supposed to act and be a certain way; more as their possessions to control. The truth is: No one person ruins a marriage or a relationship. It takes a lot of work to make a marriage work and any man who blatantly sees his partner as the one to blame for everything that went wrong is someone who didn't care about doing his part in being giving and caring in the relationship. Don't fall for his "feel sorry for me I was a victim of a cold, selfish, uncaring, cheating wife". And if he claims he never had sex with his wife in the marriage for years, he's either lying or he's been having affair(s) throughout his marriage.

Red Flag Item #2: His Attitude about Work and Play

You don't need to know how many hours he works but you do need to know his attitude about being busy and his attitude about what he has going on in his life. Does he act like every minute of his day is booked with some important thing going on? Does he make time to spend talking to you and does he show an interest in your life? Is he calling you when he's driving somewhere and only has a few minutes to converse with you before he reaches his destination?

Men who are workaholics are usually "busy drones" at home, always working on some project and never being free to talk to or relate to you because they are always involved in fixing or doing something. Avoid men who say they "work hard and play hard", that's just "workaholic justification" babble. If a guy has the ability to relax and enjoy life, you'll know it by what he says to you when he has to get off the phone; does he have to get back to painting the bedroom or doing some chore? And can he plan meeting you in advance? If he is a workaholic he will also have commitment issues. Does he change the day or time last minute for your first meeting? Does he always seem hurried and busy? Does he always suggest you drop everything and meet him the night he calls you? Does he make you feel like you are taking up his precious time when you talk to him? It's amazing that in our society today, so many men are addicted to work at work and at home, and we, as a culture, embrace it. But dating a guy who makes you feel like he's honoring you with his time is not the kind of guy you will feel fulfilled dating. He will "never mentally and emotionally be there for you". When you talk on the phone to guys like this, you will know it. You will feel it and sense it. Don't let the temptation to be that "all important woman that he finally cares more about than all those other precious things he has scheduled in his life" make you want to meet him or date him. You will only be that one more thing on his "to do list". AVOID MEETING OR DATING HIM.

Red Flag #3: His Attitude about Valuing the Things You Value in Your Life

This one is really important. Are you both on the same playing field in life? Is he on a completely different planet from you? Most men I've dated did not relate to me in terms of accepting my interests in life. I always changed who I was to be compatible with them in every relationship. And ultimately, when I just couldn't take not being me anymore, the relationship ended. Can you be who you truly are with this guy? I believe every woman, when they talk to a guy, get's a feeling in her gut, whether they can be who they are in a relationship with him or whether they would have to change something about their life or themselves to make the relationship work. You will know it, by talking to him, if he's the type of guy who'll ever be interested in what interest you in your life. Does he ask about something you told him on the 1st phone call on his 2nd phone call to you? If you had a cold, does he ask "how's your cold?" Or, if you were going somewhere the day he called, does he ask whether you had a good time the 2nd time he calls you? If you want a guy who'll remember your favorite clothing store when it's your birthday and buy you something from that store, then you'll have to listen to how much he pays attention to the things you tell him about your life. You'll sense it when you talk to him if he is interested in knowing about you and your interests. You'll know when you suggest a movie you want to see or a restaurant you want to go to and he's enthusiastic about finding out the show times for your movie or mapquesting how to get to your restaurant pick.

You'll know how much you are compatible by how he spends his days. You'll know how much you will have to change your life to be compatible with his by what his hobbies are. Ask him what he likes to do and what his hobbies are. You will get the feeling that your lives can mesh beautifully just as they now are, or you will get the feeling that you would have to lower your standards, change your goals, live somewhere you don't want to live, be with kids you don't want to be with; accept things you truly morally can't accept; or never get along on certain subjects by what he tells you about how he lives his life. Ask him his goals in life. You might be surprised to learn he plans to move out of state in 2 years. There are so many ways a guy can look good on paper, but if you have that feeling in your gut that you would have to change an important part of you to be compatible with him, then DON'T MEET OR DATE HIM.

Red Flag #4: His Attitude about Money

Another major thing to get a good gut feeling about is his attitude about  money. Many men have emotional anger issues related to money. They feel they don't earn enough to feel self worth; they feel like failures because they didn't succeed in the profession their father picked for them (and their father has reminded them about this ever since); they feel their ex financially stripped them of financial stability (she got the house lament); they pay child support and feel stripped financially by their ex wife and kids. Most men are open books about their negative attitude about their finances. They will complain about their hardships or make sarcastic jokes about it. Their anger issues with money are never well hidden; you will sense when something about their financial situation just isn't sitting right with them "emotionally".

It's important for you to know what you want in a relationship with a man and to honor your needs and desires. Do you want a man who can offer you financial stability, who owns his own home and can afford to take you to nice restaurant and enhance your life financially? Or, are you okay with being the one paying for things because you are financially stable? Be honest with yourself and listen to a guy's attitude about his financial situation. If you want someone who can add to or compliment your life, do not accept meeting or dating a guy who is driving a beat up old car, and barely has enough to pay the bills after he pays for child care. DON'T MEET OR DATE MEN WHO CANNOT GIVE YOU THE FINANCIAL LIFESTYLE YOU DESIRE. Love does not conquer all. When you try to make a relationship work with a man who has anger issues with money, who never wants to spend money living the kind of life you want to live; who doesn't have your aspirations (because he doesn't want to put his money towards those life goals); who doesn't care about your needs and desires with money; you will be miserable witth him. If a guy has money issues, you will know it just by the attitude he has about money. And definitely do not date anyone who is separated and not divorced. Many a relationship can become strained by divorce, because divorce is costly and can often change a man's financial situation overnight as well as his emotional state of mind.

Red Flag #5: His Attitude about Sex and Monogamy

Men looking for a sexual fling are open books. They will only focus on the physical with you; constantly complimenting you about your appearance; and bringing up the subject of your anatomy and sex into every conversation. It isn't worth trying to find out how many sexual partners a guy like this has had since his divorce or whether you are one of 10 women he's trying to date this week from that internet dating site. Guys like this will never be honest about their intentions. Guys only wanting a sexual relationship or guys with sex addictions (of which there are many) who are serial daters who date until they have sex with a woman and then move on, will call you every night until they finally get to meet you and have sex with you. They must meet you immediately and can never plan a date with you in advance (or if they do, they'll change the date and time last minute). They are guys who want to see you the day they call you. Some women are turned on by these "bad boys" because they often appeal to a woman's vanity by making her feel like they finally found the beautiful woman of their dreams. And they always lament how, "I just can't find the right woman who understands me" to appeal to your codependent need to help them. The more they give you the impression they need to see you immediately and not let another day go by without glancing at your gorgeous face and eyes, the more they are looking to have a sexual fling. And the more they paint themselves as victims of selfish women who mistreated them and used them, the more they are narcissistically describing themselves. DON'T MEET OR DATE GUYS LIKE THIS.

Red Flag #6: His Attitude about his Hobbies and Addictions

Many men have addictions: addictions to work, addictions to drugs, addictions to alcohol, addictions too sex, addictions to an ex. And yes, so do women. But this is our cheat sheet, and for our cheat sheet to be successful, we can't have the addictions we are trying to avoid in the men we date. I've already talked about sex and work addiction. If there is one thing that always contributes to the demise of a relationship, it's an addiction. So how do you know in 2 conversations with the guy you're considering dating has an addiction?

A lot of men hide their addictions to drugs and alcohol very well, especially on the phone. Of course you'll know he's had alcohol addiction when he can't order a drink on the first date. But why wait till then to find that out he's been an addict and you don't want to date him? Some men even hide alcohol addiction well after dating you for several months until they get you emotionally dependent on them. Then suddenly they've had too much to drink in front of you and gone into an alcoholic rage. Wouldn't it be great if you could weed out those guys that have alcohol and drug addiction before you even meet him? The good news is: yes you can.

The one thing about men with addictions is that: they all have "addictive personalities". How do you know if the guy has an addictive personality? If he does he will often have a serious obsession with doing some kind of hobby, or be obsessed about fantasizing about a goal in his life that he does things to plan for (like reading real estate for hours on end because one day he wants to buy a house down the shore). The point is, he takes a hobby or interest and brings it to the level of an obsession. So listen to the things he used to enjoy doing or is now doing with his life. How much did it or does it control his world? Ask him all about his hobbies. If he seems obsessively into something that he can't seem to stop talking about doing, (and he will expect you to change your life to conform to the demands that his obsessive hobby makes on him), he usually has an addictive personality and possibly even more serious addictions, such as a sex addiction, work addiction, or alcohol/drug addiction. Guys like this will one day be obsessed with body building and the next day they will have a business project they obsessively spend time on and then that will disappear and they will become addicted to making miniature planes. Guys with addictive personalities do not hide their obsession from you.They talk about them constantly and fondly recollect past ones. DO NOT MEET OR DATE MEN WITH OBSESSIVE HOBBIES OR ADDICTIONS.

Red  Flag #7: His Attitude about his Kids

I have met many men on the internet whose entire social world consists of doing things with their children from a past marriage. You may be telling yourself, once he dates me he'll spend time with me and his kids will take a back seat. The answer is no. If a man constantly talks to you about his kids and when you ask him what he did that week you realize that his social life consisted of taking his children shopping, you are always going to compete with his children for his love. A man with a healthy relationship with their kids also has friends he spends time with and does things with. Some men will give you a feeling in your gut that their daughter has become a substitute companion replacing their wife (in an emotional, not sexual way). DO NOT MEET OR DATE MEN LIKE THIS

Red Flag #8: His Attitude about Himself and his Life in General

There are happy men who love life, and then there are men who are angry, unhappy and miserable about their life. When you talk to a guy, you will know in your gut which kind he is. Men who are happy with life and themselves never complain about their "bad luck" and "misfortunes". They find humor in things and they have an optimistic point of view. They don't make sarcastic comments about life or people, such as, "My daughter came over the other day and took hold of my wallet again". Guys who like life, like themselves and will be able to like you and make life a happy experience for you are guys who don't seem to have a black cloud of bad luck that's always following them in life. When a guy has that cloud of bad luck, it's because he mentally brings it into his reality. You will know in your gut if you are talking to a happy guy who sees life with the glass half full or a guy who sees life with the glass always half empty. You will know when a guy carries that black cloud because there is impending doom in every aspect of his life: his job is on the line, he lost money, his friend swindled him, his car just broke down, he just had another fight with his brother, he just got another speeding ticket, etc. MEET THOSE GLASS HALF FULL GUYS.

The point to the Cheat Sheet is this: you have to believe that you deserve to be discerning. Exposure to lots of guys through the internet is fine, but dating lots of them until you just happen to click with one of them is a lesson in futility. You have the right to screen guys on the phone to make sure they don't have the kind of attitude that will make you miserable being with them. You have to stop listening to those well intentioned friends and relatives who say to you, "just meet him, stop worrying about whether he is right for you, just give him a chance". The pressure to just have someone to date to make everyone around you happy won't be easy to avoid. But it's because women buckle to that pressure that so many are in unfulfilling relationships that ultimately end. We must be selective about who we date. We deserve to date a guy without anger issues who has a positive attitude about his life. We must tell the universe we don't want to spend our life with anyone who gives us that bad feeling in our gut. We must stop caring about having no one to date. We must allow the right guy into our life by not wasting time with the wrong one. So screen guys on the phone and be very selective. It's your life's happiness that's at stake and that happiness is something you truly deserve.

For more relationship advice on dating men www.isthistruelove.com [http://www.isthistruelove.com/].

Beth Cofone

2012年9月28日 星期五

Why You Should Join the Mature Dating Game - Now!

If you have reached retirement age and don't have someone to share your life with, then it's time to make your love life more interesting. Senior dating is all the rage, and if you want to meet people like you who are also looking for love and companionship, it's time to join the mature dating market.

Still not convinced? Here are just some of the many reasons why you should date again even at your age:

Sixty is the new 40. Retirees are no longer considered old. Thanks to financial independence, longer life spans, and better health because of remarkable advances in health care, many older adults can now lead active social lives and get into the mature dating scene.

You should never let age hamper you from enjoying life. It's true what they say - "You're always as young as you feel." You have many more active years to experience exciting personal relationships. Now is the time to travel with someone special. Perhaps you can play golf or tennis. The best dates for mature couples often involve seeing new places and staying physically active.

You are in a stress-free life stage. The pressures of work and raising a family are way behind you now. You do not have to worry about the things that once consumed much of your energy. You finally have the time to enjoy and relish meeting a new person.

Technology has made it faster to connect to other seniors in the mature dating scene. Don't ever let computers and the internet scare you. Thanks to the web, this is the best time ever to be single and looking for mature partners in your age range. There are millions of profiles on-line, and one of them may belong to the future love of your life. Now that's truly magic.

Dating on-line is not for younger people any more, you'll be surprised at how many senior citizens now use the internet to find themselves a suitable partner. Try mature dating websites where you can see profiles of other senior daters. If you like them, you can send them an email, eventually chat with them, and then meet them in person.

All you need to do to start is to create an on-line dating account, and then input personal details like your age, height, hobbies, hair colour, taste in music - there are many options. You'll immediately see a list of potential dates in the area you specified.

Scroll through, look at the profiles, check the pictures, and if anyone catches your eye, feel free to drop a message. You can then establish a safe on-line relationship before you decide whether to take things further. Start by exchanging messages and pictures on-line first, and when you already have a good idea of whether this new person is worth a try, then you can arrange a personal meeting.


Mature Dating - Have You Tried It Yet?

Dating is growing and not only for the young, lately there's an increasingly large group turning to mature dating. This approach to dating is good for individuals who imagine that they are way over the acceptable dating age but still need to have the joy and enthusiasm that dating offers. Mature dating is especially loved among men and women who seem to find themselves separated or whose spouses have departed, since they are in search of friendship for emotional support rather than just in the interest of sexual intimacy.

You are never too old to date

Mature online dating sites create more mature adults to the dating scene once more by letting them make new friends and establish new friendships. This is definitely useful for individuals who are interested to date and look for love again but don't plan to rely on matchmakers from their family. Alternative ways of meeting people your actual age include things like joining social or religious organisations which allow you to mingle with like-minded individuals.

Getting love again over the internet

The Internet can offer an infinitely more convenient way for you to look for an acceptable date that will fulfil your preferences. By subscribing to online dating services, it is possible to introduce yourself to other like-minded mature singles that happen to be also searching for company. These dating services prove that love and friendship is just not solely suitable for the younger generation and that these too can cross age along with other boundaries.

Let excitement enter your way of life once again

You may want to explore the choices that on-line mature dating can provide. Under no circumstances allow the misguided beliefs connected with dating destroy your wish to have somebody by your side that can adore you and satisfy your wants unconditionally. Take your time in browsing through online dating sites and very quickly, you'll find somebody whom you can share love or flirt with. To start with, join right here at Mature and Dating, an on-line dating service which includes a little bit of class.

A completely new romantic relationship is waiting for you

By joining Mature and Dating, you can actually unlock new doors to possibilities which allow you to freely explore and expand the options for love and companionship. This particular site means that you can meet like-minded individuals in your general vicinity which are considering some friendship with you. Mature and Dating lets you date and participate in more exciting relationships while giving you the very best level of privacy. Start searching for people considering mature dating right here at Mature and Dating by exploring this website.

Mature Dating

2012年9月27日 星期四

Free Internet Dating Websites Create Online Love For Singles

This electronic world helps many singles find the online love through free internet dating websites. There are relationships and marriages that have resulted from meeting their partners from these online dating services. Looking for a long lasting relationship? You should try a free internet dating site. We live in this computer world, there are many dating services on the internet which offer people to find singles for free. Dating on net has become a phenomenon these days. Many people find their partners through these services. A free internet dating site offers members to find their partners without paying any fee. This type of dating service has some ads on the website to pay for the webmaster's work. Members do not pay anything when joining and contacting with other singles. So, you can find an online love from free internet dating services.

To see what types of dating sites are on net, you need to Google some key words, such as "free dating in US". There are many internet dating sites showing up on Google. You need to choose the best dating web sites that you can find. You may select more than one internet dating sites. Then, you create a profile with your personal information, including login details, age, and etc. You should upload your pictures to increase the chance for others to see your profile. When you have a completed personal ad. Online singles will contact you. You can contact other on line singles if you found interested in them. Usually, free dating sites have many features such as instant messenger or others. Some free internet dating websites provide online love poems or love test for their members.

As you know, internet dating websites emerged a few years ago. Many marriages have been created from these dating online services. Seeking internet dates is common these days. With internet online dating is growing, many single individuals meet each other online. This rapid growing rate of internet dating websites will be more growing in the next few years. Singles do not have to find their love from other places but at online dating sites. There are many online dating services have local singles as well as international singles. Seeking an online compatible relationship is easy and simple and it is free. Everyone needs love so do you. Looking for online singles is convenient to people who have been single or people who want to find a new companion in their life.

Free internet dating services are a means to find online singles. Single men seeking women online has become popular in recent years. Looking a long term companion at these dating services is needed. You need to have a compatible relationship in your life. Being single is not good where you see only "two people" everywhere.

If you are new to the internet dating service, selecting the free dating service is the first step. Your other half is waiting to meet you online. You should take action now by joining any free internet dating site to meet that special soul mate of your dream.

So, please visit 100% free dating US where singles waiting at these free dating sites in US, and find your date at free online dating services. Your other half is waiting online for you. These dating websites offer 100% free internet dating service for online singles and personals.

Safe Dating - Tips for Women

1. Don't give out any personal information until you feel extremely comfortable around someone. Don't share your last name or an address unless you have a good feeling about a man you've meet face-to-face on a date. You may even want to meet him a couple of times before you share any personal information. If a guy starts asking you personal questions redirect him. Start asking him about his hobbies: what does he do in his free time? What does he likes about his work? Who is his favorite musician?

2. For your first two or three dates, meet him in a public place. For the first date, I'd suggest a cup of coffee or tea at the book store, or a quick drink in a mellow location where it's easy to talk. If you would like to see him again, let him know. Ask him if you can call him. Agree to meet him again in another public place--maybe at a restaurant for dinner or lunch, or a walk at a popular city park. Usually guys like giving their phone number and if they like you, they love it when you call. For the third date, meet him again in a public place and if you feel safe after that feel free to start giving out personal information. Note: If a guy isn't comfortable giving out his phone number he's either not that "into you", or he may be married and wanting some side action. Don't cave in. Don't give him your number until you feel comfortable with him.

3. If you ever feel like a man you just met on-line is following you home, drive to the police station and walk in. Any man who had bad intentions will drive off.

4. Trust your intuition, even if it does not make sense. If someone's picture or voice mail seems kind of creepy--trust your instincts. The beauty of internet dating is that it is anonymous. Most internet sites will ban a man from using their site if he is harassing women or sending perverse or offensive messages. Your intuition does not have to be explained or offered to anyone. What you feel is what you feel and you need to honor yourself.

5. When you go out on a date with a new guy for the first time tell one other person. You may want to "book-end" it with another girlfriend who uses on-line dating. Have an agreement with each other that you will keep tabs on each other's plans. Call each other before you go out on a date with a new man. Let your friend know who you are meeting, where you are meeting them, and when you expect be home. After the date is over call your friend again and let her know you are safely home. You don't have to share anything about the date, just check in.

With today's hectic lifestyles internet dating is one of the best ways to meet an available man who shares your interests. With the help of the internet, a clever on-line introduction, and little typing, you'll soon be exposed to a variety of available men. Also remember the goal of dating is not just to find "THE ONE"; it's to get to know some nice guys and enjoy some male companionship. If you meet someone and it leads to a long term romance or marriage, that's great. In the meantime, relax and enjoy your dating life, and do it safely.

Courtesy of http://www.MagicMomentsDating.com

No Non-sense Dating

Simply the Best

Tips for Successful Online Dating

Here is a list of useful tips that you should follow in order to receive the results you are expecting.

1) Choose good photos.

Your first primary step while using free on-line dating services is to upload nice photos. The photo is the first thing that the opposite sex gets attracted to. Many free on-line dating web-sites claim that uploading a nice photo is 50% of your personal dating success. Keep in mind that the picture of you must be 'clear'. It must show well your smiling welcoming face as well as the whole body. Regularly people prefer to see you in natural environment, no studio photographs. Upload photos of regular size instead of too small or too big photos.

2) Make sure to fill in the boxes with important information

All free on-line dating web-sites require you to feel in basic questionnaire. You can state there your interests, hobbies, personal values, etc. If you do not want to fill in all of the information boxes, pick the ones that you really like and are willing to share with others. Keep in mind that your ability to open up to people points out that you willing to meet new people, to build new love and friendship relationships. You have the option of filling in the necessary minimum which is nickname or name, age, residence area, height, weight, preferable characteristics of your perfect match. It is important but necessary to mention your education level, profession, and add description of your perfect match.

3) Move on from on-line communication into real-life dating

Having long-time online dating or communication experience is nice but there is 90% chance that this relationship will never become real. Instead of spending long hours in chat room with the one you like, go on a real-life date and find out on your own if this is the right person for you. By keeping your new acquaintance within cyber space, you lose a chance to meet this person one on one. Always think in terms how you restrict yourself from being loved.

4) Create an intrigue while using free on-line dating services

When you go on-line while using free on-line dating services web-sites, it is wise to create an intrigue. Be smart, leave out the details of your personal life while talking about things you enjoy most. It is also cool to leave some unique life story details for later like a first date. Be spontaneous and funny. If you want to share some problems, hire a psychologist. Otherwise, just be yourself and keep yourself a bit mysterious it always keeps the opposite sex attracted.

5) First date - the key to successful relationships

The key to successful relationships is your willingness to love and to be loved in return. When you get this special feeling, you find yourself thinking over just one amazing person. You get these sensations of butterflies in your stomach and everything around you is just perfect. Everybody knows the importance of the first impression, but it is just the point when everything is getting started. It is nice to spend up to 12 hours on the first date, although it is also nice to go on a second date, third date and so on. Do not worry to spoil the first impression. Just make your best to come to this date looking and feeling your best. Smiling, flirting question asking this is what the first date is all about. It is important to choose a nice place for a meeting, some place where you feel comfortable. Take it easy! Instead of trying to jump into the whole relationship turmoil try to take it easy and enjoy the romance of every moment that is given to you right now. And let the future unfold all pleasant surprises that are ahead of you.

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2012年9月26日 星期三

Another Love Sale?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the fact that I got a spam "love is on sale" email. Would you believe that I just got another one from a different site? How many of these love sales are these websites going to have? I have a feeling that all of these factory second sales are making it hard to find the real deal! Do people keep returning their "love" or are they getting a new shipment of fresh love weekly? I find it a little pathetic that there are so many single people that websites have to run sales on them to blow them out?

...It actually says a lot for the way people treat their relationships these days though. They are completely disposable. Of course...they may not have been "love" at all...but who really knows what that is? If a marriage gets hard, people get a divorce...or should I say, take on a third party, get caught...and then get a divorce. If a boyfriend doesn't like our hair, we break up with him and find someone who will! (Which, by the way, we will never find anyone who likes everything about us but many people continue the search for "perfection" while they keep one solid foot in what's there at the moment. Ie: picking up a couple extras at a love sale or something so they don't have to go without in the meantime!)

So what exactly can you get at a love sale?...A sale means "cheap" right?...I suppose that sheds some light on why there are so many "love sales" then. Cheap "love" is extremely easy to find. The bars are lined with rows of it and those racks are stacked to the ceiling!...I can only compare this sort of love to a pair of shoes that you could find for $6 at Payless. They are plastic, but they look all right for the evening if you don't look all that closely. After a night or two out though, there's little left of them worth hanging onto. I suppose you get what you pay for. A coupon that will get me a good deal on something that someone's already worn once and returned to the store doesn't seem like a bargain to me. I think I'll continue to hold out for a one of a kind from a boutique that someone hasn't already gotten deodorant stains on. I think that I'd be more willing to mend it if a button falls off or if I get a little tare in the hem or something.

Out Of The Box Activities Make Online Dating More Fun

Hundreds of couples find love through online dating sites. Whether BBW dating sites or special groups like chefs, or forest rangers or teachers, or ex Peace Corps volunteers, there seems to be a dating site for nearly every category of interests.

In addition to the variety of special interest groups there are even more group categories related to popular activities for singles. So why not get better acquainted with your potential mate with out of the box activities that make online dating more fun?

Let's take a look at what BBW dating sites find are the most popular bonding activities chosen by their potential love partners:

1. Online Auctions - Ask anyone you know about their experience with an auction, whether online or offline, and you'll get lots of stories. Nearly anything you can think of is bought and sold in auctions. During the "getting to know you" part of your online dating conversation, explore your guy or gal's shopping secrets. For example, does she like to shop for rare and unique bird houses or vintage hammers? Or is she or he a collector of chromed radiator emblems from pre-80s hotrods?

The list of possibilities is endless and you can both bring pictures of your auction shopping targets to your next chat. Use your imagination to expand your vision, and your fun.

2. Old Movie Posters - Thousands of couples enjoy going to movies, in fact, Valentine's Day is the #1 most active day at movie theaters in the US as well as Europe. Just think about the conversations you've enjoyed with friends and family as you shared stories about your favorite lines or scenes from Scream, or Hitch or Independence Day or some other movie that made a lasting impression.

If you haven't done so already, you could start a collection of movie posters, either modern or old classic from years ago. And during your online dating chat you could challenge your date to a contest to see which of you can find the most unique or interesting or most macabre poster to upload during your next online date.

These are just two options for an out of the box activity that can make your online date more memorable, and more fun. Open your mind and explore your thoughts. There's no better way to make a good first impression than to think of ways to bring a new experience with you to your online dating site experience.

For lots more secrets of success for BBW dating online, click here for: Secrets To Successful Online Flirting To Date A BBW, Part II

Click here for the Luv Doctr's blog and read more about relationships and get personalized answers to your dating questions.

2012年9月25日 星期二

Finding Compatible E-Dates

In the world of online dating misrepresentation is at an all time high. Janice, a fitness enthusiast, was excited about her e-mail exchange with Rob. He seemed to share her interest in fitness and the outdoors. They wrote about mountain biking, skiing and golfing. Rob suggested an interest in these activities, but never mentioned once having engaged in any of them.

When Janice and Rob met it became apparent that he was not a fitness or outdoors enthusiast. In real life he also looked much older than in the picture that accompanied his online profile. He had misrepresented himself to impress Janice. Needless to say, they parted after their first face-to-face encounter with mixed feelings. Discovering incompatibility in e-mail exchanges becomes much easier if you follow these tips:

BE TRUTHFUL in your own description. While mingling among singles in a highly competitive environment you may be tempted to paint your very best picture. Putting your best foot forward does not mean inflating your image or exaggerating in your profile. The key to finding a compatible love is being authentic instead of pretending to be what you are not. Being real may not guarantee a huge number of online dates, but if you are serious about, love the bottom line is quality, not quantity. To find a like-minded date, don't play games. When your profile rings true, you will probably attract someone who is also truthful.

DIG DEEPER once you have begun your email exchange. Ask questions about his or her life, values, beliefs, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Rephrase your questions in subsequent e-mails and compare the answers. Continue to go back to the person's profile and look for discrepancies. For example, to verify a person's age, ask when they either left high school or graduated from university. To find out if he or she really loves hiking, ask where they usually hike. To check employment, ask what he or she does during a regular workday and if they enjoy their work. Aaron believed he was e-mailing the kindest girl until he asked Kyra about her relationship with her sister. Kyra electronically flew off the handle calling her sister names. Aaron new then that he did not like the other Kyra he had just been exposed to. The only thing you risk by asking questions is that your new e-mail friend will drop "out of the loop."

BRING UP ISSUES that are important to you. If one of your priorities is family, talk about your respective families. It won't take long to find out if this is a shared priority. If you love traveling, raise this topic to see if there is excitement or if he or she has even boarded a plane. Perhaps education, knowledge or current issues are of great interest to you. In that case, raise these matters in your dialogue to probe his or her awareness and interest. A healthy lifestyle might be important to you. Talk about it! There is no point in involving yourself with someone with no interest in a healthy lifestyle. Whatever your values, beliefs or worldviews, use the e-mail exchange to reflect on these issues. Read between the lines. We all have a tendency to read or see things we like, even when they are not there. This practice will help you to determine compatibility early in the game. Shared values are important ingredients for long-term commitment.

REMEMBER the reason why you are meeting someone online. If you just want to increase your circle of friends, by all means have fun and meet everyone. If you are searching for the love of your life, be selective and dig deeper. Don't waste each other's time. Far too many singles have depleted their dating energy by e-mailing all night long with people who they would never introduce to their parents. Be smart and cut to the chase!

© 2004 Allie Ochs, Relationship Expert, Coach, Speaker and the Author of "Are You Fit To Love?" ISBN 0-9720227-9-1. Her articles are published in magazines and newsletters. She has appeared on radio and TV. Visit her website at http://www.fit2love.com

Allie Ochs is a speaker, relationship coach and author of: Are You Fit To Love? Her book has received the honorable mention at the USA 2004 Best Book Awards. She has appeared on TV, Radio and is published in numerous magazines and newsletters. Visit her website http://www.fit2love.com and take the Fit 2 Love test.

Single Minded Women's No Frills Guide to Internet Dating for Single Moms

You admit it- you were one of those mad-as-hell single Moms who, following your divorce, vehemently proclaimed to anyone who would listen that the last thing you wanted to do was date, or even think about men. You had just lived through alimony, custody and child support battles, and the thought of being romantic with a member of the opposite sex made you feel physically ill.

Now that it's six months later and you've come down from your slightly drama queenesque pedestal, you're ready to take that proclamation off the table. Although you'd convinced yourself that you'd likely spend the better part of your single mommyhood cleaning your kid's dirty underwear and scrubbing down your family's bathrooms, you've come to the realization that the key to your happiness will never come to fruition staring down the rim of a toilet bowl.

While you're aware that rebuilding your fragmented self-esteem will always be a work in progress, you've actually begun to feel a bit more comfortable in your single mom skin, and have even come to the conclusion that the dating pool waters might not be as murky as you once thought.

Sure you have trepidations and nagging reservations ... you haven't been single in years! You can't remember the last time you hit a club or bar as a single gal. Just thinking about the awkwardness of going on a first date with a complete stranger makes you feel jittery. And if that weren't enough to deter you from "getting out there," your once taut body has been ravaged by two C-sections . .

And, yet your inner spunkiness, which has been in hibernation mode these last few months, is itching to break free.

At the very least, you're ready to mingle with other like-minded men and see if you can't find that love connection that has somehow eluded you.

Being that it's the year 2008, you are incredibly in luck! Because of the Internet, gone are the days where you'd be forced to attend singles meat market mixers to find potential suitors: Thank God! Now you can virtually chat and get to know someone all without leaving the comfort of your computer chair.

So, as a single mom ready to test-drive the single parent social scene, just how do you get started dating online?

Create Your Online Profile

According to Audrey Valeriani the author of Boot Camp for the Brokenhearted: How To Survive (and be Happy) in the Jungle of Love, the first step single moms need to take is to create their online profile.

"As far as single mothers go, the more clearthey are on their profiles, the more likely they will be to attract someone who understands the complexities of being a parent--but is still looking to have fun and find love," says Valeriani. "It is vital to find someone who understands that your life as a parent will undoubtedly involve last minute changes, interruptions, strains as well as all the silly celebrations that come with parenting."

One very important tip for creating the perfect online profile: Divulge things about your personality; your likes and dislikes, interests, hobbies and preferences but don't give too much detail about your children. Bottom line: Single moms should be open and honest about what their expectations.

Begin Your Search for a Suitor

Now that you've created your online profile, it's time to post it and begin your search for a potential suitor. But what should you be looking for?

Above all else, Valeriani says, your criteria list should include understanding, humor, patience--and of course, someone who likes children. It is a wonderful benefit to find someone who is in touch with their inner child and knows how to express it!

"As far as single dads are concerned, I do think divorced men have a certain advantage because they already know a little about raising children, are aware of the mistakes they made in their marriages, and are willing to try and do it again wholeheartedly the next time with the right person," says Valeriani.

That said, she also believes that single, never-married men shouldn't be dismissed either. "There may be men out there who just haven't found the right woman and who are dying to have children and would welcome an 'instant' family if they fell in love."

Do the Telephone Tango

Okay, so now you've put together your profile, buzzed through some potential candidates, and you think you've found a match. What's next?

Begin a telephone dialogue and since safety is key, find out basic information about the other person above all else.

"There are people out there who create a profile of who they 'think' they are, or who they think women want. But in reality, they are not that way," says Valeriani."Talking for a while and sharing family stories will help you identify who this person is by example, rather than just trying to evaluate statements and assuming or hoping that the qualities they promise are true."

Some phone tip ice-breakers: Talk about things like your childhoods, your goals and dreams, your typical work day--and just a little about past relationships, pay attention to how he treats or refers to his mother, ex-wife, and past girlfriends, his relationship with his kids (if any), and the hobbies he enjoys in his down time. All of his answers can be very telling and give you great insight into his personality if you listen.

Pick the Perfect First Date Setting

You've had several lengthy phone conversations and now you've got to set-up your first date. Here are Valeriani's tips:

-Pick a central meeting place where both people come on their own and for a limited amount of time.

A good choice is coffee and dessert, or dinner or lunch; a place where you can talk and get a vibe from one another. Definitely not a place like the movies where they will be just sitting in a dark movie staring at a screen;and a situation like that there is no getting to know one another.

-Set a time limit so that neither person will feel rejected when the time comes to leave.

-After the date, communicate honestly via email or telephone about feelings, impressions, and whether or not there was any chemistry there.

Dress to Impress

You've planned the date -now it's time to plan your outfit; what' a good first date outfit?

"Choose an outfit that shows off your figure or best features - but nothing too tight or flashy," says Valeriani. "Pick something that makes you feel a little dressed up. It could be nice jeans and a sweater with a jacket and boots, or a skirt and blouse and heels. Basically,think flattering, both in fit and color."

Be Prepared To Get in the Game and Have Fun

The outfit, suitor and place are all ready to go--all you need to do now is mentally prepare yourself. Although you're staring to feel a bit of your sexy vavavoomness, emotionally you're a bit of a wreck. So, how can single moms prepare themselves emotionally for that first date?

"They should go out expecting nothing other than meeting a nice new friend armed with the knowledge that they are the ones who are in control," says Valeriani. "Single moms shouldn't think 'I hope he likes me' but instead, 'I hope he is a nice guy (yes, I said the "n" word) and I like him.'"

Bottom line; remember that no one is going to be perfect so make sure you discard any "list" you might have made for the perfect man. Instead, give the guy a real chance. Go out there with confidence and be cheerful to be having an adult evening.

And keep in mind: it's just a few hours out of your life.

If it turns out badly, use the experience as practice for the next time. If it turns out good, then decide if he is good enough for you to consider a second date. After that, take the time to get to know one another slowly and if it all works out, go for it.

If you need a little extra kick in the pants to get you motivated pick up a copy of Audrey Valeriani's book, Boot Camp for the Brokenhearted: How To Survive (and be Happy) in the Jungle of Love to help you get on your A-game.

Remember, says Valeriani, your experiences from the past are a plus in assessing those men you meet.

"They all make up the person you are today. As long as people learn from their mistakes and are honest and kind, there is a chance for happiness with someone new. Make sure you accept and love yourself for who you are at this very moment in time, know what you want for your future and be prepared to go out and get it."

Single Minded Women is the Information Nirvana for Single Women everywhere. Please visit and join our growing family at http://www.singlemindedwomen.com

Afro American Dating - Guide to the Online Websites

Are you an afro-american person? Do you seek that special someone? This article will try making it easy for you in getting an on-line date. I will try to underline some of the ups and downs in on-line dating; why should you and why shouldn't you try this type of dating.

Is it O.K.?

What's the difference between initial eye contact across a crowded room and an email via a busy dating website? Perhaps less than you think. The bottom line: you can be as wrong - or right - about someone you slap eyes on in a bar as you can online. And your instincts will still be the only guiding force when it comes to weeding out the lovers from the losers. Fate certainly ensures that we kiss a few frogs before coming up trumps with a Prince - however we meet him. So, as a conclusion, if you want to try on-line dating, go right ahead, because, love can hit you from all the different places.

Just in case you decide to sign up with an online dating agency, here are a few web sites where you can do this, and a few details about them.


BlackPlanet.com is your space to meet people in your community, express yourself, and find information that reflects our cultures and our perspectives.

Here you can find all kind of things from games to forums and news. But the main topic of this site are the afro-american dates.


Not like any other dating site, they offer a Scientific Personality Profile Analysis. Using their test you will discover yourself as well as be able to identify your desired match. The service will pick up your true compatible match, or so they say.

There you can find automated match finder, which will do the work for you. As there are thousands of members just now and just as many joining all the time, keeping up with potentially suitable matches can be time-consuming. All you need to do is give CyberCupid your match criteria and it will scout the database for you on a regular basis. When it finds a match, you will be notified by e-mail or by SMS if you have upgraded to the full service


Black Dating is Free at Love.Org

Love is the newest and best Black Dating site with ZIP code lookup, large photos & slide show. With the "Mutual Interest" feature, you can rate your level of interest in each member whose profile you review, and members are automatically notified if you are interested. To start, simply create an account and enter a search criterion. Your search patterns can be saved, you can return at any time to resume your search.


A great place for black singles to interact with each other, and talk about religion, work, sports, life, relationship, and more by offering valuable services to all the single friends in your city and around the world. You can view dynamic, informative personal profiles of other members! Free registration!

Now there's no excuses - give online dating a go today!

Steve Armstrong is editor of [http://www.blackvelvetinthecity.com] - a website dedicated to providing black dating resources.

2012年9月24日 星期一

Romance Or Internet Love

Flowers and chocolate, romantic walks by the beach, watching the sunset side by side, champagne and quoted lines from Shakespeare's love poems these are usually the images associated with old-fashioned romance. Even though many people still yearn for this kind of courtship, one cannot deny that technology has also changed the way we woo each other. Instead of sending your beloved your heart's song penned down on perfumed paper, you can now send him text messages or emails. Instead of setting up a rendezvous in a blossoming courtyard, you can meet him in a local pub or even skip to the chase and meet in a hotel room.

Now, the question: Is one way of dating necessarily better than another?

Vintage Romance - Still a winner?

Many of our members still like Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn and the all the glitter and glamour of old Hollywood romance. Are you one of them? Don't be embarrassed there are still plenty of romantics like yourself! Don't listen to anyone who calls you old-fashioned or advises you to get with the times. There is nothing wrong with looking back at the past and longing for the standards that our parents (and grand grandparents) used. And why wouldn't we? Back then, couples really knew what romance was. For instance, if a guy was really interested in a girl, he would visit with her almost every night bringing gifts sometimes not just for her, but also for her family. He would even endure many months of no hanky panky until everything was official. Notes were well thought out and written buy hand, and often delivered personally. Phone calls were lingering absolutely no shortened text messages!

Modern Love On line dating

However, a bigger percentage of our membership said that they prefer modern romance, driven by technology. Are the kind of person that appreciates the efficiency and instant-ness of emails, text messages, MMS, and on line dating? Do you find yourself cringing at old-fashioned flowers, love songs and slow dancing? If this sounds like you, then you are one of almost an entire generation. After all, even though love letters are still nice and all, emails are just more convenient. It's much easier to synchronize dating schedules, express admiration, and even booty-call someone with a few clicks.

Another advantage of online dating and other modern romance methods is that it allows you to test the waters and find flings without investing too much time and effort. With online dating for example, you can meet people you find attractive, email them a little, and see how things go. You need not spend for a dinner out just to see if you have a connection with someone.

Whether you are looking for a serious, meaningful, sunset-and-champagne kind of relationship or you simply want to find someone to hook up with this weekend, our site is the perfect destination for you. Become a member now and see like minded daters looking for fun.

You can join AffairsandDating for Free - Choose from 1000's of members waiting to have fun! JOIN FOR FREE - Adult Dating

Emily Park

Dating After Divorce - Connecting on Facebook - Cyberspace Vs Real Life

How do you know if a guy from your past is a good dating prospect now when you reconnect via Facebook?

Last week, Alice, a divorced woman in her 40's, wrote to me asking for dating coaching advice about a guy on Facebook. She's been reconnecting with school buddies and found one guy she had a big crush on in high school. Tom responded to her friend request and emails very positively - he seemed genuinely happy to hear from her! She was asking me for advice on her next step because she had been too aggressive in the past and didn't want to mess this one up.

Understanding True Meaning - The Difference Between Nice and Real Interest

In fact, at the end of one recent email, Tom suggested that Alice let him know if she's ever in town again. Alice really got her hopes up high on that invitation. She emailed back telling him she was, in fact, gong to be in town. He asked why? Alice didn't answer that question, but went on to suggest talking on the phone to make plans. Tom didn't bite. He emailed that she should just call him when she gets to town.

The Rules of Dating Apply to Meeting Men on Facebook

Not sure what to think about his response, Alice asked me what her next step should be. In a kind manner as I handle all my over 40 dating coaching clients, I suggested to Alice that perhaps she had been overly enthusiastic and too aggressive again. Most men don't want to be pursued by a woman. Men prefer to be in charge of picking who they want to date and setting things up as well. Alice, in her excitement about Tom's emails, jumped the gun and stepped over the line. The result? Tom pulled away. Same thing happens in real life - the rules don't change in cyberspace.

The Virtual World of Facebook vs. Real Life

There's a huge gap between happily emailing with a FB buddy and taking it to the next level - real life. Tom had no issue with emailing and learning about Alice's life in the virtual world. His comment about "Let me know when you're in town." was a harmless throw away, a lot like "I'll call you." It's a nice thing to say, but not necessarily a true statement. How many times have you heard a guy (or even a woman friend) say that?

If Tom was really interested in Alice, he would have talked about getting together vs. throwing out this time-warn phrase.

The Next Step for Alice - Keep Looking

Some mid life women forget or are unaware that dating over 40 is very similar to the way things worked in high school. Alice's next step is to keep looking for new men to meet - either through Facebook or the real world. Move on to discover who is next! Tom has already shown he's not interested in real world contact, so there's nothing left here. If she wants to email and keep a virtual friendship going - that's a choice. But if she's going to hold out hope that things will turn around, that will put off her chances of finding love.

At the very least, Alice learned about Tom's lack of true interest quickly which is the silver lining to this cloud. Now she is free to move on and continue looking for Mr. Right.

People do reconnect and meet via Facebook - you just need to keep your expectations in check and live in the real world. Emailing is easy. The phone is next. But virtual guys only become prospects when you can meet them face to face in the real world. The qualities someone looks for in an email buddy are not the same things you need in a flesh and blood life partner.

Discover 5 Big Turnoffs that Drive Men Away and 7 Surefire Ways to Make Men Want You by Ronnie Ann Ryan, The Dating Coach. Get her FREE ebook instantly, at http://www.after40datingtips.com Ronnie found love and married after 40 and knows you can too! She's helped over 1,500 people jumpstart or accelerate their search for love. People fall in love every day. You could be next!

Smart Dating Tips For Women - Prevent Resentment From Building Up!

Problems are like weeds. They will pop up unexpectedly and attack the health of your love garden. Instead of being surprised by problems, anticipate their arrival in advance and know exactly how you're going to eliminate them.

The following helpful pointers are designed to help you handle any kind of relationship problem that comes your way with more control and effectiveness:

o See problems as temporary challenges

The first simple step is to refer to your "problems" from now on as "challenges." The word "challenge" implies that there is a workable solution that can be found with the proper mix of courage, determination, flexibility, discipline, knowledge, and skill. Challenges tend to be temporary in nature and require higher levels of performance in order to overcome them. If a couple can rise to the occasion and muster the will to succeed, then they will eventually find a way to restore and maintain their love for each other.

o Honestly admit your mistakes right away

One way to disarm a potentially difficult situation is to admit your mistakes quickly and emphatically. That way, you will give your partner the proper assurances that this problem will be approached in a more balanced manner in the future. Do this instead of trying to wage a one-sided attack on where he's been wrong. For the time being, make sure that you let your admission of the mistake stand alone without negating its value by saying something like "What I did was wrong and I am sincerely sorry, but...." (Don't add any excuses or tell him why he's a big part of the problem.) If you try the suggested approach, your partner may likely reciprocate back by admitting his mistakes as well.

o Attack the problem but not the person

Make sure that you separate the problem from the person. You want to reinforce the idea that you love the person, but you hate their bad behaviors. Along the same lines, never question the other person's intent and don't attack their character if you want to prevent an escalation of ill will. When dealing with men, realize that they sometimes do and say dumb things simply because they don't attach much significance to a particular action or its consequences. This is in contrast to how the typical woman would probably view it. If a playful guy thinks that something is no big deal, you can expect him to do or say almost anything.

o Can you handle the truth?

People often claim that they want to hear the absolute truth. However, can they really accept it without getting their feelings hurt? As a communicator, one tactful way of presenting a hard truth is to spend a lot of time explaining the nature of what is about to be said. That way, the intent of the message is less likely to be misconstrued. So establish the nature of a difficult discussion, get permission to share the details, and then freely state your truth. A wise communicator will also follow up their statements with a reminder of why honesty is essential for the long-term health of any love relationship. Interestingly, how well people handle the truth creates a precedent on whether truths will be shared or omitted in the future. If you discover that a partner has been telling you a pack of lies, understand that part of the problem may be his perception that you can't handle the truth. In any case, people should know that it's best to stick with honesty. My feeling is that if the truth will destroy a relationship, so be it. Actually, the strange thing I've discovered is that the truth seldom blows up a relationship --- instead what is almost guaranteed to destroy the love connection is avoiding the truth, better known as lying or lying by omission.

o Don't be too negative

While it's true that most problems are negative in nature, it doesn't mean that we can't find some positive value in the process of overcoming them. Remind yourself that while there may be problems or imperfections in your relationship, there are still plenty of other things to be grateful about, too. In addition, discipline your thinking so that you clearly define your challenge and not make it appear worse than it actually is. The most important point here is that negative problems are handled best when you are in the most positive and constructive frame of mind.

o Focus on workable solutions

Put an immediate end to the pointless rehashing of a problem and move forward by focusing on workable solutions. By doing this, you will think about constructive responses rather than waste more time dwelling on what has already happened and can't be changed. The object here is to come up with a wide range of possible solutions for your particular relationship challenge and mutually decide on the best course of action to pursue. Put your energy where you'll get the best results and that's by focusing on the best solutions and creating a goal-achieving plan of actions.

o What is the larger objective?

If you can ask this question throughout the process of solving your relationship challenge, you will be able to keep your discussion on purpose. The larger objective may include such things as: (1) making sure that you don't take each other for granted, (2) improving communication, (3) learning more about your partner's beliefs about your relationship, and (4) learning how to grow as a couple, to name a few. The larger objective is always positive and is meant to bring happiness and fulfillment to both partners. In the heat of your battles, always come back to the larger objective so that you'll be reminded of how you will both benefit.

o Get professional help or get out

If you find that the weight of your problems becomes too heavy for you to handle, seek high-quality professional counseling. This may require getting help for yourself first and later getting help for your partner as well. Select a counselor who has a good track record for success and is naturally appealing to both partners. Still, sometimes we find that despite all of our efforts to repair the serious problems in a relationship, we fail to observe one or more of the following: (1) a willingness to seek any kind of help, (2) a willingness to be responsible, (3) a willingness to forgive, (4) a willingness to love, or (5) a willingness to even try. At that point, it's clearly time to get out.

You will arrive at your love destiny as a result of all of the choices that you make over time. Increase your chances for success by having a sensible and reliable system in place for handling your relationship challenges. That way, you can avoid unnecessarily harsh clashes and prevent hard feelings from destroying your love.


Dating sucks when problems crop up repeatedly in your love life and send you into an emotional tailspin. But dating rocks when you can anticipate and handle every kind of challenging situation with wisdom, maturity, control, and love.

Steve Nakamoto - "The Voice Of The Other Half"
iVillage.com's Ask Mr. Answer Man Relationship Expert
2-Time Writer's Digest Award-Winning Author
Author of Men Are Like Fish: What Every Woman Needs To Know About Catching A Man
Talk Like A Winner! 21 Simple Rules For Everyday Communication Success
Dating Rocks! The 21 Smartest Moves Women Make For Love


2012年9月23日 星期日

The Pros and Cons of Internet Dating

Relationships and dating are hot topics Have you noticed all the dating shows? Tough Love Miami, Millionaire Match, Why Am I still Single?, etc...?

Dating is not a science nor is there a show that can solve relationship dating issues. Dating will be successful when you are upfront, honest, love yourself and communicate. The two key reasons dating creates disastrous effects are lack of communication and loving yourself. Everything comes from self. So if you don't like what you attract than change yourself! If you want to attract love to yourself then it's mandatory to love yourself unconditionally. Then you will attract the right mate. It's not about blaming others or the internet; it's all about you. Another reason to consider is timing. If it's not the right time it just won't happen! If the timing is off learn to love yourself and practice what works for you and throw out the rest!

Along comes internet dating which is a way to meet people without leaving your home. The same philosophy applies here. If you think everyone is a liar and a cheat on the internet then you will attract the men/women who are liars and cheaters. It's most important to have a good attitude before you post your profile.

The pros of internet dating are you are able to know a lot of impertinent information right up front. Most people who are shy are bolder on-line. They might chat with you on-line because they do not have the nerve in person. It makes it possible to connect with people all over the United States and Europe; people you would never have met! You can also test yourself and practice what works while on the internet. It helps you to become more intuitive in finding out if that person is real or a scam with other intentions other than dating,.

From a woman's point of view, I have found out a lot about men I wasn't privy to in the past. Women are very critical of themselves and other women. Men are not that critical. They can tell a lot about you just by your picture. They aren't looking at how perfect your hair is or your body. They get a vibe just from your picture. How you present yourself is very important. Men might be considered left-brain but their intuition is in full force when on the internet. After a few trials and tribulations you might just find the person you were searching for.

The con's of internet dating is such that some people post pictures that are 10 years old. Some of the pictures that are posted are not even them but a model with the intention of scamming you. Other issues are unreal profiles. They post they are single yet are married and just having some fun passing the time. Their self-descriptions are not real as they say what they think you want to hear. Long distance is usually a major issue. It's very hard to connect and date and get to know that person besides the expensive air plane fares.

With our busy society it is hard these days to be meet quality people. The internet is a way to find someone, especially if you work long hours or don't have time to get out and socialize. Just be prepared, self-secure and patient. It does take time but it's important to have the right attitude going in. If you can handle rejection then you can handle on-line dating. Besides, what do you have to lose? Give it a try; you just might meet Mr./Ms.Right. Remember, it's all about attitude. Happy Hunting!

Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer

Spiritual Healer - Maxine http://www.spiritualhealersassociation.com

Visit my site for inspiration and/or a free 15 minute life coaching session. My books are available at amazon.com

Trying to Find a New Relationship - Can You Really Be Yourself?

When you begin a new relationship how it starts can really define the level of honesty you have and in essence the success of this relationship. Being yourself is incredibly important so don't hide and quirks or behaviours that you have or even viewpoints, at the end of the day to be loved is to be accepted for who you are so you cannot find love pretending to be someone else.

When you have made the decision to really look for love and be yourself there are several things you can do to help you find someone. Going to a singles night or speed dating, joining an on-line dating agency or being set up on a blind date are some of the most obvious ones.

If you are going to a singles night then it will initially be your appearance that attracts someone so you must spend time on your look and clothes and really scrub up well for the evening. Get a friend to help you shop for a great outfit and even get a new hair cut or style done and make the effort. Use the environment you are in to help you attract someone, so don't go with a friend because then you will be forced into mingling with others at the bar or as you're walking around.

If you see someone you like simply try smiling at them and if they smile back looking a little uncertain then, just wander over to them and ask if they are here for the speed dating night? Ask them if they have even been to one before? Say that you're a bit nervous and keep asking questions. If you are compatible then the conversation should just flow but if it's a little awkward then say you going to the toilet or something. A good partner will mean easy conversation and not just because of the alcohol and within the first few hours you should be discussing you hopes and dreams and finding some common ground.

If you are on a blind date then getting away will be a little harder than excusing yourself to go to the toilet, a blind date usually means that one of your mutual friends thinks that you'd be great together so that's your common ground. When you have established the right person you're meeting up with then get a drink together offer to pay if you like them but not if you don't. Talk about you mutual friend to begin with, then maybe work or hobbies, food if you at a restaurant, pets and general stuff like holidays, weather and if you like them discuss you ambitions in life, family and ideal partner questions. If you don't like them stick to boring and general things and then excuse yourself by saying you have to be up early for work or something. If you do feel some connection and spark then just be honest about things, have opinions and don't hold back about who you are and the other person will either like you or not.

If you are internet based then honesty can be a problem because there is a huge stigma attached to internet dating and being honest. Many people on-line are genuinely looking for a partner and you just need to have a systematic approach and know how to handle the time wasters who are looking to cheat on their partners and use people. Start by looking through profile and seeing if anything you read catches your eye or if you have any common interests then have a standard introduction save hi, my name is x, age is y, I work as a z. How long have you been interested in? Then they can either respond or not. People do on-line chatting too but talking to someone before you know anything about then can just be flirting which is fun but ultimately wasting time if you have nothing in common and live opposite ends of the country.

When you get some responses and have maybe emailed a few times then just say I've noticed we live fairly close (assuming you're looking in the same area as yourself) and wanted to meet up for coffee? See what the response is, someone genuinely looking for a real relationship will probably want to meet up. Pick somewhere you can have a lunch so that it's not so pressured like an evening date with alcohol and then you will be in a more real situation to find love rather than a manufactured one and of course continue to be genuine and honest with the other person.

You must be yourself when trying to attract a perfect partner and as much as you can in any situation talking to someone you're attracted to try to connect with them without hiding who you really are. That way when you do start to connect with someone, this new relationship will last.

Susan is a dating counsellor who advises couples and singles in the online dating world. Susan works for a company who let you search for singles who live in your city. If you live in the UK then why not try london dating and meet professionals, for a date at lunchtime or after work! For more information please visit Lovestruck London.