2012年9月30日 星期日

Launch Your Post Divorce Love Life - 5 Steps From Dating Inertia to Meeting Men

Are you MIA (missing in action) regarding your dating life? No dates. No effort put towards your love life. No closer to finding the love you want and deserve.

When you are super busy, your love life can be left languishing on the side lines. If you find that most of your life leaves no room for dating, that means you are dating MIA.

So what's a woman to do? Here are five tips I share with my dating coaching clients to launch your love life and move past dating inertia.

1. Become conscious of your tendencies to hide out.

Notice what you do to keep yourself locked into your current single lifestyle. Then decide what you could do differently to improve your odds of meeting men and finding love.

2. Smile more.

Make an effort to smile at people you see on the street, in line at the bank or walking in the mall. Turn this into a practice and you'll end up looking like a happy, friendly woman who is easy to approach! You can't lose when you smile more because you'll probably feel happier too. Plus, you'll make other people smile - spreading that good feeling where ever you go.

3. Get a dating buddy.

Find a single girlfriend who also wants to take action to find love and go to singles events together. A dating buddy can make things a lot easier to try. You'll support and encourage each other to get out there, meet new people and keep moving forward. Be accountable to each other and don't let anyone poop out on the promise to meet and mingle.

4. Visit Meetup.com and join groups.

Every city has loads of options from singles groups, from scrabble or book clubs, to ski clubs etc. The sky's the limit so join a few to find a couple you like. This is a great way to meet more single friends and prospects who are geographically desirable.

5. Walk your dog!

It's not only good exercise for you and the pooch - I continue to hear stories of lovers who met in a dog park! This is a great way to meet all kinds of new people, especially with a new puppy. But any friendly dog will make a great conversation starter. Don't just smile - take it a step further and have a real conversation. It might not lead to anything, but hey, you never know. Many marriages have their roots at the dog park.

There are countless ways to turn around your missing in action situation. Get off your proverbial butt and vow to do something this weekend. Look in the calendar section of your paper, call a friend and get out there. Your love life is waiting.

Discover 5 Big Turnoffs that Drive Men Away and 7 Surefire Ways to Make Men Want You by Ronnie Ann Ryan, The Dating Coach. Get her FREE eBook instantly, at http://www.MANifestingMrRight.com. Ronnie found love and married after 40 and knows you can too! She's helped over 1,500 people jump start or accelerate their search for love. People fall in love every day. You could be next!

