The first thing I want to do immediately is to give you a
CONCRETE, STEP BY STEP PLAN that you can immediately use to go out right now and start meeting more women.
Now, most guys have it all wrong when it comes to meeting women.. Let me clear up the confusion with 2 "Wisdom Nuggets":
how many women they need to SEE and MEET in order
to develop their approach skills. And it doesn't
matter if your goal is to find that one perfect
woman. In order to meet her when you finally
have a chance, you need good approach skills.
WISDOM NUGGET #2: If you're not SEEING women (if
they don't come into your field of vision), then
you're not MEETING women. So this is a critical
first step. The more women you see, the more
opportunities you'll have to develop and refine
your approach skills, get dates, etc.
The first step to seeing and meeting more women is
going where there are plenty of them. Duh.
So I'm going to give you 3 of my favorite places
to meet women:
Ah, shopping malls. Such a terrible place to meet
women. I mean, look around, there's only like 9
or 10 women for every 1 man walking around the
place. Lol ...
Yes, there are tons of hot women working AND
shopping there.
Women flock to shopping malls like plastic
surgeons flock to Michael Jackson's mansion.
The idea with restaurants is that if you're going
to eat out you might as well do it in a "Target
Rich Environment" (a place with lots of women).
You can turn just your average lunch into an
opportunity to walk home with several numbers of
interesting females.
And if you look around you will start to find many
restaurants in your area that consistently have
quite a few women eating (and working) there.
Larger restaurants obviously have more people and
so more women than smaller ones, so eat there.
And when you're being seated by the hostess, see
if she can seat you in a place where you can have
a good view of the female traffic going in and
out, so when a woman that interests you enters
you'll have easy access to do your approach.
So far nothing new, right? Pretty common sense.
Well here's something I bet you don't normally do:
Find a restaurant where there's a lot of walking
traffic RIGHT OUTSIDE. Grab a table where you
can see all these people walking by. If there's a
patio, that's perfect.
When you see a hottie walk by, leave your food and
approach her.
This is quite a ROMANTIC move, because you can
"Excuse me. Hi. I don't know exactly how to say
this, but I was right in the middle of my lunch,
and I saw you walking and had to tell you you are
absolutely ... beautiful."
What this does is it puts you in a position where
1) you are being 100% HONEST when you say this
(so it's not a "line") and
2) it's a NATURALLY ROMANTIC move to make.
(By the way, if you combine these first 2 places
to meet women what you get is: restaurants in
shopping malls where you can see the foot traffic
walk by. Excellent.)
These are all great places to meet women because
every woman there is out to have a good time.
They're not in a rush to get to work or some
other place, so it's not like you're approach is
interrupting them from anything important.
This makes it just that much easier for them to
be open to having a random conversation with a
guy who has his act together.
(Oh, by the way, that guy is YOU in case you
haven't figured it out yet).
You visit your favorite restaurant on Tuesday at
lunch. But because it's not crowded at that time,
there's not even a single hottie. The same
restaurant on Friday evenings at 7 pm is full of
pretty women.
You go to the mall at 6 pm on a Tuesday and it's a
desert. That same mall at 2 pm on a Saturday is an
oasis full of hot women.
So if you visit a Target Rich Environment but
there's not many beautiful women there, ask
yourself if your timing is off.
Here's a secret: Ask people who would know when
the most crowded time is. At a shopping mall,
restaurant, or grocery store you could ask any of
the employees. They would know. Just ask them,
"When is this place the busiest, anyways?"
Or to save even more time, you can always CALL
AHEAD to a new place you want to check out, and
ask someone over the phone when's the busiest
time. You'll be surprised how much info some
people will give you.
Now, some of you are thinking, "Man, I already
know this stuff."
Maybe you do.
But are you DOING it?
Here's an easy way to tell:
Have you approached 5 or more women in the last 7
Seriously. Think about it.
Have you?
If not, then although you "know" this stuff,
you're not DOING it.
That's the trap that most "normal" guys fall into.
They sit back and criticize, but if you look at
what they're DOING it's clear they're not taking
enough ACTION to ever get their skills to a level
where they'll have the success with women they're
looking for.
A success that some of you right now believe is
impossible ...
Well, it's not impossible ... IF YOU DO THE WORK.
Go out in the next 48 hours and visit at least 2
Target Rich Environments. Could be a mall. Could
be a restaurant. Could be another place you
thought of on your own where there's likely to be
ladies present.
And all I want you to do is 1 thing:
1) COUNT how many pretty women you see in the next
48 hours. This includes those you see at the
Target Rich Environments AND any other women you
see anywhere, like on the street, in stores,
supermarkets, wherever.
So 48 hours from now, if you're Bill from Illinois,
Gary from Australia, or whoever from wherever,
you'll be able to say, "Kev, I was able to see 17
hot women in the last 48 hours" or whatever number
it may be.
It'll be a little competition ... WHO CAN SEE THE
So do yourself a favor and do your homework.
It's basically checking out pretty women ... how
much better can a homework assignment get???!!!
Your Dating Coach,
Kevin B.
Oh, and by the way, if you want the FULL SCOOP of where you can meet pretty women (there are over 15 more locations I left out of this email, as well as great strategies for meeting women online and at speed dating events), then you should check out my Breakthrough Dating Audio CD Program.
In it you'll also find specifically what to say to women (and how to say it) when you visit these places so you come across as a mature guy who has his act together, rather than a nervous wuss or a creep or a guy who's just trying too hard.
Plus, it's fully guaranteed to help you or your money back, and if you have a credit card you can even try it for 30 days for just a buck.
Check it out here:
And if you're one of the few who STILL haven't downloaded my eBook "Any Woman, Anywhere" you need to go to do that right now.
It's a great introduction to the principles I can be reading it in just 3 minutes from right now.
Check it out here: