2012年9月16日 星期日

When Should You Use a Cute Pick Up Line?

Pick up lines are a risky way to start a conversation with women. When you use them, you run the risk of looking like a fool.

What I usually recommend to my readers is to look for genuine conversation starters instead of using a lame pick up line. But if you can't think of anything to say, you can try a cute pick up line. The key is to make sure it comes across as a genuine compliment. If you make her feel special, you'll at least be able to continue conversation. The rest is up to you.

To get started, here are a few different cute pick up lines that you can use. Like I said before, pick up lines aren't the best way to start a conversation. But at least these won't make the girl slap you:

"I don't think I have met you before, because I would have certainly remembered a good-looking woman like you"

"I can't believe I have been here the whole night and when I see 'The One', I have to say good bye"

"Were you always this cute or do you have to work at it?"

"You're so how that you could make Satan sweat."

"I've had a lousy day today. It always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So would you smile for me?"

"Are you as beautiful on this inside as you are on the outside?"

"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?"

"Weren't you on the cover of Vogue?"

"I am not drunk. I am just intoxicated just by being around you."

"Haven't we met before...oh yeah, you're the girl with beautiful smile!"

"Right now I feel like Richard Gere, because I am standing next to a Pretty Woman."

"I now that milk 'does a body good', but damn girl, how much milk have you been drinking?"

"If God made anything better then you, he would have kept it for himself."

"There aren't enough O's in the word hot to describe how hot you are."

"Hey, please don't frown, because you never know when someone might be falling love with your smile."

Trying to use a cute pick up line is not the best way to engage a conversation. While you might get her to start talking, you won't have taken any steps to creating rapport with her. So instead of using a cute pick up line, try to find something genuine that you like a woman and use that to start talking to her.

Want to learn 50 WAYS for approaching, attracting and seducing women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's FREE EBOOK which provides 50 tips for instant dating success.

