2012年8月25日 星期六

Do You Know How To Attract Love Online?

Maybe a better question would be; do you think you are worthy of love online or off line?

Do you believe you are lovable? Regardless of your past...regardless of what your "ex" and family has told you in the past, you deserve to find love, and if you choose to look for love online? Good for you!

First you have to show the world that you already have love in your life...that you have a loving support center. Do not go online begging for love and attention. You will either be used or ignored! When you set up your online profile, let it "reek" of love for yourself! Let it beam from your photo. Do not put your photo on your profile unless you can look at it and see a wonderful person that is not only lovable, but capable of loving! I don't care how many photos you waste!

Maybe not now...but you will when I'm through with you! Make sure your profile shows the inner you...the creative you...the romantic you...the giving you...everything that makes you the lovable person that you are! Show nothing less! Believe it or not, no one is looking to pick you up from the curb, love you and start you on your way! There are no social workers in love! You must portray that you already love yourself, and you are surrounded by others that love you.

The love you already have is what will attract many, many "someone's" to you...for love! But you have to already have it...that is the key!

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