For the past 5 years, I have read, watched, and studied almost all the dating products that have been on the market. I have practiced all the methods I have learned in field with women; some have worked and others failed miserably. One of the products that improved my life with women the most was the Blueprint Decoded by Tyler Durden of Real Social Dynamics.
Now the Blueprint Decoded is not your typical dating product. You're not going to find routines or lines in this product. As a matter of fact, from all my experience, I can tell you there is no such thing as any magic routine that will seduce women. The only way to improve your life with women is to improve your inner game, or your mentality. Tyler Durden emphasizes inner game and confidence with his teachings. If you improve your inner game and your whole mental outlook on dating, you will date an abundance of women at ease.
I am happy I was able to study this product years ago when I was starting to make my transformation in improving my life with women. Before that, I was engaging in unhealthy habits such as memorizing routines or pickup lines. This was hurting my love life because I was representing a false identity to women. I was saying things to women that made no sense to me, and was just an act. Once women realized that my routines had nothing to do with my true identity, they would leave right away. I started to realize that getting good with women was all mental, and that is when I got my hands on The Blueprint Decoded.
I was addicted to Tyler Durden's teachings. I was able to relate to everything he was saying, and he even covered all of my psychological sticking points I was having. I threw away all my lines and routines and just started focusing on developing my inner game. I was starting to interact with women NATURALLY. Everything I was saying represented ME, and wasn't just some memorized act or routine. Not only was I developing healthy relationships with women, I was witnessing abundance in my life. I was consistently dating beautiful women and wasn't using any pickup artist technique or method.
This product will change your dating life. Inner game is the key component in becoming good with women, and actually every other aspect in life. With good inner game, you will not only date beautiful women, but you will improve other parts of your life such as sports, business, social circles, and much more.
I am Max Rayburn, writer for Dating Products Review. We have used and reviewed some of the best and worst dating products on the market. For an in-depth review of The Blueprint Decoded, check out:
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