Have you been the victim of a hit and run love affair?
You know the type: A quick burning, intense attraction that seemed to have "oh so much" potential but instead it either peters out or ends in a burst of flame.
Time till broken heart? On average three months.
Time until your broken heart heals? One to six months!
So, was the drama worth it?
Sometimes, maybe.
But most of the time these dead-end romances are a detour from the real love you could be enjoying right now, if you didn't keep getting side-tracked by chemistry and the love-high of those juicy hormone cocktails!
So how to stay on track to finding the lasting love you deserve?
Easy- avoid the most common mistake singles make: Falling in love at warp speed!
Instead of giving your hyped-up hormones full rein to direct your budding romance, take a cue from Mr. Turtle who knows that Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
Keep in mind this dating time line for the beginning of your dating adventures and you'll avoid the emotional trap that comes from "plugging in" a potential partner into the full partner role prematurely.
The key: Gradually building up contact time, time together, and time in your head.
Weeks 1 & 2:
Contact Time: As eager as you might be to get to know one another, limit yourself to 1 phone call and a few brief emails during these initial weeks, testing the waters for potential compatibility.
Time Together: 1 date a week. Avoid plugging them into all of your free time before you know if they are worthy of your time!
Time in Your Head: Limit daydreaming about your new love interest by keeping yourself focused on your life, hobbies, and friends. This prevents premature attachment that is based on fantasy not reality.
Weeks 3 & 4
Contact Time: Allow sharing of yourself to unfold gradually, by limiting yourself to 2 phone calls and a few brief emails. This way you'll be building a stronger bond but keep piquing curiosity to know more.
Time Together: One shorter date during the week and one longer date on the weekend allows you to begin seeing each other's true personalities in different environments. It's best to continue these dates out in public, not at home.
Time in Your Head: By now, it's easy to get sucked into thinking of longer range plans, or how they might be The One. Try hard not to let this growing attraction take over your daytime thoughts!
Weeks 5 & 6
Contact Time: By now, it's OK to have more frequent touching base via phone or email, but avoid daily contact, since that level of support will be sorely missed if they turn out not to be a great match.
Time Together: You might add an additional date a week, depending on each other's schedules. And it's time to begin hanging out at home with more informal time together, giving you a sneak peak into a deeper layer of who they really are.
Time in Your Head: If you've made it this far, it's OK to indulge in some time thinking about your partner, or making short-range plans. But be careful to avoid feeling obsessed or making plans further out than a few weeks.
Once you've made it past the 6-week mark with flying colors, you can loosen up your behavior a bit, but still don't jump off the deep end. Remember, it takes time for someone's true self to really be seen. So you don't want to end up emotionally over-committed until you've been together at least 3 months, the time it usually takes for a general picture of your real personality to shine through.
By going slow and building an authentic connection over time, you'll be able to realistically assess true compatibility and be more able to walk away if it's not the right fit. In this way, you stand in your power and stay on track on finding real love in record time!
Wondering how much longer it's gonna be until you find The One? Take Dr. Jenn's Attractor Factor quiz and discover what's keeping you from finding real, lasting love. Haven't you waited long enough? Become a Massive Love Magnet today! Take the quiz now: http://www.mysoulmatesolution.com