The first thing you should notice is, that many people make looking for women sound a lot harder than it actually is, by just following the next few tips you will be a big step ahead of a lot of other men searching for women.
The Tips - Dating Women Made Easy and Simple
1) The first impression is always the most important. Whether it's online with the pictures and the profile, or offline. You can never go back and redo it so you must make sure that the first date you have you are at your best, most behaved, self.
2) Hygiene - One of the worst things you could do while talking with a woman you just met (or any woman) is smelling bad or even just looking dirty. Ideally you should have a shower everyday just to make sure, that if you do meet your dream lady you make a good impression.
3) Know your phone number, this is a very common mistake many men do. While looking for women it is incredibly useful knowing your phone number, just in case a woman asks for it, etc. So I suggest just taking literally five minutes to learn your phone number.
4) Using the right 'Pickup Lines' can increase your chances hugely while looking for women. But be aware not to use the wrong ones as it can ruin your impression just as fast as a good one can build it up.
5) Compliment her, complimenting women can be an incredibly useful tool if used properly. Remember not to over-do it though, as they will think you are desperate or just plain weird.
6) Make a woman talk about herself. The last thing you want to happen is that your only talking about yourself. Women love good listeners, so if they classify you as a good listener you have earned a big plus with her.
7) Be yourself while looking for women, don't try to imitate someone else. If you do the relationship won't work as neither of you will be happy, especially you.
The Conclusion
Finding a woman to date and have a relationship with can be easy, especially if you follow the above tips. Although no matter what you do, there will always be "different" women (the minority). These "different" women are really strange and hard to understand. Having a relationship with a "normal" woman is a lot safer and easier.
At there are lots of tutorials, tips, tricks and guide about dating women. I also suggest you have a look at the following article which explains you which women you should avoid while dating and why: