2012年11月24日 星期六

Dating Tips - What to Do When She Isn't Attracted to You

There are probably a dozen dating tips you have to know about when a girl is attracted to you. However, when she isn't attracted, there are only two things, and they are absolutely essential, here they are:

You can look the internet from server to server and you are certainly going to find a lot of dating tips dealing with what to do when a girl is feeling attracted or how to make her feel attracted. However, in what concerns what to do when she isn't attracted to you, there is absolutely no information.

I've been looking for a very long time for a guide that will tell me what to do exactly, unfortunately, I didn't find sufficient information and most of it was rubbish. These two dating tips I'm going to reveal to will not only make you look strong and confident when a girl isn't attracted to you, but they will probably make her feel a lot of attraction towards you.

· The first thing to do in these dating tips when a girl isn't feeling attraction for you is to: STOP!

Yes, you've read right, stop everything you are doing with her. You have to stop whatever strategy or techniques you've been using with her.

Albert Einstein has a great line: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". This means that whatever you did to make her feel attracted will have to be stopped!

I wanted to use a different word at first, instead of STOP I wanted to use the word RUN.

Personally, I prefer run, because the girl who didn't find you very attractive, when you disappear from her life, will start to look for the attention you used to give her, she will want you to put more efforts. Running in this case doesn't mean that you are a coward with a girl; it will mean that you have other things going on in your life at that moment, and believe me, girls love when a guy keeps busy away from them.

· The second thing to do in these dating tips when a girl isn't feeling attraction for you is to: get busy!

Or I should say, find another girl. They say that the best thing to do when a girl has left you is to find another girl. They should also say that they greatest thing to do when a girl doesn't feel attracted to you is to find another one that will.

Fight fire with fire.

The problem with this solution is that you will be feeling too miserable and down and you wouldn't dare try nothing like meeting a new girl, this is why you must read this guide: to approach women that will explain to you step by step how to approach and meet a great girl.

Don't forget, Click Here: http://www.howtoattractwomenhelp.com Now to get free advice and step-by-step guides on how to date and attract women easily.

