2012年12月16日 星期日

Irresistible Online Dating Profiles - Strategies To Boost Your Responses

Your profile is one of the most important tools in you quest for Mr. / Mrs. Right. It acts and introduction to other members. It gives other members an idea of your likes and dislikes and your opportunity to shine. Here are some tips for creating an attention grabbing profile.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

· First and foremost have a picture. This is your chance to catch someone's eye. It doesn't have to be a professional one, but it should be clear so that people know who they are talking to. Statistically a personal advert with a picture gets 10-15 times more responses. This is an incredible 15,000 percent better than a text only ad. Wow. These are conservative estimates. Most online daters won't even look at a profile without a picture. If you are a little self conscious don't worry everyone's in the same boat. So be bold and put up a site photo.

· Make sure your photo is clear. When people are going through hundreds of profiles a clear and clean picture always stands out. A professional one is a great idea, you know it's up to the job but don't worry if it isn't, it should just be clear. If you can't get a professional ask a friend/family who makes you smile to take it. That way you'll be sure you look relaxed and happy, these are two very import features for a good online photo.

· Make sure you smile. Just think about when you go to a party. Who are you more likely to speak to? People that look friendly. This is just as true on line. So make sure you smile on your online photo

· Have more than one photo. Have a couple of photos of yourself doing things that you like, and enjoying yourself. Photos should center on you rather than on a group. If there are lots of people make sure you crop, so that you are the main subject. The more photos the better as it shows more aspects of your self.

· Make sure you are fully clothed! This might seem obvious but you can get banned from online dating sites by showing too much flesh. It also conveys the right impression i.e. that you are looking for long-term relationship rather than a one night stand.

· Make sure it's recent and accurate. If you want to meet someone they will be expecting the person they see in the photo not someone 10yrs younger. Also it will help find someone who is attracted to you as you are at the moment.

On to the online text Profile.

Let's go back to the party scenario. OK so you've gone over to talk to someone because they looked friendly and smiled. You need to start a conversation with them, but what do you talk about? If the conversation is flat you/they would to move on. The same is true for your text profile. Your online text profile is your opening line. So here are some tips to get you headed in the right direction.

· How do I start.? Start off by getting a piece of paper and writing down your likes and dislikes. Be descriptive. This helps to get your creativity moving.

· Be positive. Have you ever spoken to someone who's feeling a bit down? Sometimes you also start feeling low also. So keep your profile upbeat. You can do that easier if you write your online dating profile in a happy mood. This makes your writing pleasant and light hearted and your audience interested.

· Keep it real. Avoid making anything up. Remember if you want to meet that person they will want to know about things on your profile. So stay with the truth. You are more likely to find someone who is interested in the same things you are. In the end you want to find someone who is interested in you for yourself, not an imaginary person you have created.

· Let yourself shine through in your description. For example a light hearted joke is better than writing 'I have a good sense of humor'. In general jokes a great, just make sure they're clean.

· Be inspired. How can you do that if you are not a writer? Look at other profiles. Take note of what you like and dislike. Then pick out phrases and words you like. Now have a go using these to inspire you.

· Get a friend to read it through and critique it for you. This will give you lots of feedback about how to make things better.

· Check your description for spelling and grammar.

· Stay safe. Never give any personal details such as telephone numbers and addresses.

· Read it again after a week. Sometimes you come up with some great ideas once you have written your online profile

How Can I do better?

If things still aren't working for you, not to worry here some more ideas.

· Keep Reviewing. Look at your profile periodically and critically. Think about the type of personality your profile conveys and the type of person you want to attract. If you are not getting any attention or inappropriate responses make changes.

· Don't give up. Keep your options open. Don't stick to just online dating, keep looking around you. It's just a matter of time until you find the right person.

· Stay positive. Learn to be happy with yourself, this can be easier for some, but a positive attitude will benefit your interactions and relationships in general.

· Good Luck

There are some articles here. If you need some more ideas go here: [http://www.love-be.com/articles.html]

Love-be.com is a free online dating site for people looking for longe-term relationships. This is one of the many articles and resources available at [http://www.love-be.com/articles.html]

