2012年12月19日 星期三

How to Find the Love of Your Life Online!

Use these tips to find the love of your life... or even your next bootie-call quickly.


Include a statement in your profile that 'EXCLUDES' those who you really don't want to be bothered with. Examples are below:

[] Don't IM me unless you live in my area and are serious about at least the possibility of meeting.

[] ISOBM - Is Seeking Only Black Men

[] ISOAF - Is Seeking Only Asian Females

[] ISOSWF - Is Seeking Only Single White Females

[] ISOHF -Is Seeking Only Hispanic Females

[] I am ONLY interested in a Serious Relationship

[] NO Phonies, Liars, smokers, alcoholics or ____

[] I'm not interested unless _________

[] Not interested if you're over 5'10"

[] Must be between 4'11" and 5'5"

[] Must be local to me unless YOU are willing to travel

Always include your general geographic area in your profile

Be direct. Ask prospects key questions from the very start. If it's important to you then you should inquire about it It's OK to ask about these things early on:

[] Sex

[] Age

[] Height

[] Size

[] Shape

[] Race

[] Location

[] [Physical Description

[] Hobbies

[] Occupation

[] Interests


By being exclusive and 'excluding' certain types in the very beginning it makes you look like a person who has options and choices and is secure enough to be selective. That looks far more attractive and makes you look like a much better catch than someone who looks ...desperate... and will take anything that comes his/her way.


Some people have had a few bad experiences and have subsequently sworn off the entire idea and concept of

"meeting people through a computer". Because of the disagreeable experiences they may have had they began to paint the entire experience with a broad brush.

Here is something to think about. Meeting people in Cyberspace is no different than meeting people in any other forum. There are a number of variables that come into play. Just as many people have had a number of consecutively bad experiences with people they've met at clubs, bars, blind dates, on their job, at the beach or anywhere else. It is

never fair to generalize.

When people generalize they usually leave out the most important variable of them all. That is themselves and

what they may be contributing to these negative experiences. For every person who has consistently negative

experiences with people they've met on-line there are probably just as many who have had consistently positive experiences.

There are a number of factors that may be contributing to those negative experiences:

* Great Expectations

* Rush to Judgment

* Being unclear or untruthful

* Putting on a Facade on-line or on the phone

Here are a few tips for everyone:


[] Don't hide behind some alter-ego that really is not you

[] Relax

[] Don't Be Desperate

[] Stop Looking For Someone Else To Make You Whole

[] Learn To Love Yourself

[] Look In The Mirror be honest about your appearance

[] Don't lie, exaggerate or embellish

[] Always insist on clear pictures before meeting,

Ask for several if you choose to

[] Always send a truly representative Picture Not one that is 15 years old and before you got that potbelly and sagging chin.

[] Don't put on a facade on-line or on the phone if you are seriously trying to meet someone.

It is safe to be yourself.

You may turn some people off but in the long run you will be doing yourself and them a big favor. Look for someone that will care for you for who you are and not for who they wish you were. These relationships are always doomed to failure and disappointment.

If you found this article helpful then I would suggest that you immediately go to the website below for some truly insightful info on how to use the internet and especially free online chat rooms instead of dating services to find true love and happiness


