2012年11月4日 星期日

Quality Over Quantity When Dating Singles For A Lasting Relationship

In our desire to be known and to know others around us, we want to develop lasting relationships. Many people, however, are more drawn to quantity rather than quality when it comes to forming relationships. While we need someone who loves us enough to understand and care about our needs, we are drawn to making as many new relationships as possible without regard for emotional depth, and this is where many people get off on the wrong foot.

In the scramble to grow our social network, we often neglect those relationships that have been important to us in the past. Friends we meet in grade school or in college slowly take a back seat to the excitement of new relationships that we continue to form each and every day. This often means that we fail to remember back to how awesome some of the memories of friends in the past have been, and look instead to new people and new events to put in our lives.

Some people have the ability to manage old and new relationships effectively, begging the question why you cant also maintain a good balance of new and exciting and old and trusting. This may be because you haven't discovered some of the most essential parts of sustaining long lasting relationships.

Communication is vital to maintaining any relationship, and once there begins to be lapses in communication the relationship will begin to fail as well. This can be remedied if both parties reopen the line of communication, but if enough time goes by then the relationship could dissolve altogether.

By making the other person feel loved and appreciated regularly, communication fosters long term relationships. While verbal and nonverbal communications are key, just as important is the ability to listen. Listening is not always easy when you are tired or upset, but remaining patient and sacrificing for the good of the other person in the relationship will allow you to respond effectively. Many relationship may have had the individuals involved had good communication.

Just as essential to the development of lasting relationships is trust. The entire safety and security of both parties hinges on your ability to trust each other. By building someones trust in yourself through honoring your word and speaking the truth, you are building the relationship on foundation that will last. Your partners trust in you allows you to speak your mind and to know that they will take what you have to say seriously.

An online matchmaker is one of the best ways to go about looking for a long term and mature relationship. While a matchmaker takes into account basic interests and desires, they put more emphasis on the common goals of attaining long lasting happiness in a relationship when selecting singles for you. Matchmakers care less about making a quick buck than ensuring that you find happiness in your dating life. If you're ready to find the love of your life, a matchmaker might be the best way for you to go about it.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the online matchmakers market and quality dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

