2012年10月22日 星期一

Christian Matchmaking For Dating Single Parents

Christianity is all about second or unlimited chances. In the same way, a dating single parent gets to have their second chance at Christian matchmaking. Just because you, as a single parent, failed at love, this doesn't mean that you cannot find a wife or a husband anymore. For the dating single parent, the best place to start is to find the best Christian dating service there is. But before you start off with taking another jab at love, here are a few tips for the dating single parent.

Don't Shortchange Yourself

A dating single parent often thinks that because he or she has a child in tow, they are forever barred from finding a good person as a match. They feel like they have to settle for less because they cannot offer the best to their partners. If you find yourself thinking about this, then stop. Remember that Christianity has a long line of people who have failed and often, these persons were redeemed by God and became leaders of the church. In the same way, just because you have made poor choices, then you deserve second best. Definitely not! Jesus Christ wants you to have the best and that means having the best love life there is.

Nurture Yourself

As a dating single parent, you will be able to attract more positive people if you exude an aura of well-being. That's why you should never forget to nurture yourself and your spiritual life. Learn a new hobby. Take time to stop and enjoy life as it should be enjoyed. Never forget your quiet times with the Lord because these are the times when you will see how wonderfully made you are. When you continue to nurture your relationship with God, you'll be more attractive to a God-fearing person. Also, when you're raising children alone, the tendency is to forego our own selves for the sake of our children. Christianity does teach self-sacrifice, but it's not all about suffering. Jesus Christ wants you to have a full life.

Burn Your Bridges

As a dating single parent, you will always view all your other experiences about love in the context of your failed marriage or relationship. When you find yourself becoming bitter about your past relationships, take the time to breathe and pray. Just as God has forgiven you and forgotten about your wrongdoings, you should also learn how to forgive and to forget your ex. Not doing so will result to a negative view of love in general. Burn your bridges and make sure that you don't bring any emotional baggage into your dating life.

Being a dating single parent might be tough, but you'll see that there a lot more opportunities for you to find love if you look at Christian matchmaking services. You may go to your church and ask your elders about other singles that they know who might be a good match to you. But that option is not the only one. You can also try Christian matchmaking online services to find the perfect person for you.

Christian singles are often looking for a good online dating website. There are many good websites to chose from, including simply free and paid membership sites. If you are serious about your online dating, you will find answers to many of your questions at Christian Dating Reviews [http://christian-dating-reviewed.com]. Are you specifically looking for a singles site that is free? Go to Christian Dating Reviews and look through the Free Dating Site Reviews [http://christian-dating-reviewed.com/free-dating-site-reviews/] to see which site is right for you.

