Relationships and dating are hot topics Have you noticed all the dating shows? Tough Love Miami, Millionaire Match, Why Am I still Single?, etc...?
Dating is not a science nor is there a show that can solve relationship dating issues. Dating will be successful when you are upfront, honest, love yourself and communicate. The two key reasons dating creates disastrous effects are lack of communication and loving yourself. Everything comes from self. So if you don't like what you attract than change yourself! If you want to attract love to yourself then it's mandatory to love yourself unconditionally. Then you will attract the right mate. It's not about blaming others or the internet; it's all about you. Another reason to consider is timing. If it's not the right time it just won't happen! If the timing is off learn to love yourself and practice what works for you and throw out the rest!
Along comes internet dating which is a way to meet people without leaving your home. The same philosophy applies here. If you think everyone is a liar and a cheat on the internet then you will attract the men/women who are liars and cheaters. It's most important to have a good attitude before you post your profile.
The pros of internet dating are you are able to know a lot of impertinent information right up front. Most people who are shy are bolder on-line. They might chat with you on-line because they do not have the nerve in person. It makes it possible to connect with people all over the United States and Europe; people you would never have met! You can also test yourself and practice what works while on the internet. It helps you to become more intuitive in finding out if that person is real or a scam with other intentions other than dating,.
From a woman's point of view, I have found out a lot about men I wasn't privy to in the past. Women are very critical of themselves and other women. Men are not that critical. They can tell a lot about you just by your picture. They aren't looking at how perfect your hair is or your body. They get a vibe just from your picture. How you present yourself is very important. Men might be considered left-brain but their intuition is in full force when on the internet. After a few trials and tribulations you might just find the person you were searching for.
The con's of internet dating is such that some people post pictures that are 10 years old. Some of the pictures that are posted are not even them but a model with the intention of scamming you. Other issues are unreal profiles. They post they are single yet are married and just having some fun passing the time. Their self-descriptions are not real as they say what they think you want to hear. Long distance is usually a major issue. It's very hard to connect and date and get to know that person besides the expensive air plane fares.
With our busy society it is hard these days to be meet quality people. The internet is a way to find someone, especially if you work long hours or don't have time to get out and socialize. Just be prepared, self-secure and patient. It does take time but it's important to have the right attitude going in. If you can handle rejection then you can handle on-line dating. Besides, what do you have to lose? Give it a try; you just might meet Mr./Ms.Right. Remember, it's all about attitude. Happy Hunting!
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Spiritual Healer - Maxine
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