1. Don't give out any personal information until you feel extremely comfortable around someone. Don't share your last name or an address unless you have a good feeling about a man you've meet face-to-face on a date. You may even want to meet him a couple of times before you share any personal information. If a guy starts asking you personal questions redirect him. Start asking him about his hobbies: what does he do in his free time? What does he likes about his work? Who is his favorite musician?
2. For your first two or three dates, meet him in a public place. For the first date, I'd suggest a cup of coffee or tea at the book store, or a quick drink in a mellow location where it's easy to talk. If you would like to see him again, let him know. Ask him if you can call him. Agree to meet him again in another public place--maybe at a restaurant for dinner or lunch, or a walk at a popular city park. Usually guys like giving their phone number and if they like you, they love it when you call. For the third date, meet him again in a public place and if you feel safe after that feel free to start giving out personal information. Note: If a guy isn't comfortable giving out his phone number he's either not that "into you", or he may be married and wanting some side action. Don't cave in. Don't give him your number until you feel comfortable with him.
3. If you ever feel like a man you just met on-line is following you home, drive to the police station and walk in. Any man who had bad intentions will drive off.
4. Trust your intuition, even if it does not make sense. If someone's picture or voice mail seems kind of creepy--trust your instincts. The beauty of internet dating is that it is anonymous. Most internet sites will ban a man from using their site if he is harassing women or sending perverse or offensive messages. Your intuition does not have to be explained or offered to anyone. What you feel is what you feel and you need to honor yourself.
5. When you go out on a date with a new guy for the first time tell one other person. You may want to "book-end" it with another girlfriend who uses on-line dating. Have an agreement with each other that you will keep tabs on each other's plans. Call each other before you go out on a date with a new man. Let your friend know who you are meeting, where you are meeting them, and when you expect be home. After the date is over call your friend again and let her know you are safely home. You don't have to share anything about the date, just check in.
With today's hectic lifestyles internet dating is one of the best ways to meet an available man who shares your interests. With the help of the internet, a clever on-line introduction, and little typing, you'll soon be exposed to a variety of available men. Also remember the goal of dating is not just to find "THE ONE"; it's to get to know some nice guys and enjoy some male companionship. If you meet someone and it leads to a long term romance or marriage, that's great. In the meantime, relax and enjoy your dating life, and do it safely.
Courtesy of http://www.MagicMomentsDating.com
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