2012年9月14日 星期五

Dating & the Law of Attraction

Behavior breeds behavior, and while this sounds like a simple concept, this topic goes beyond that, and helps you learn how to receive and believe you can change your life to attract what you want. It doesn't have to be a dream!

For example: If you are unhappy in your current job and it may be time to seriously consider leaving it. Your quality of life is more important than staying somewhere that you have outgrown and are only there because it is easy and safe. How dull would life be without change?

Pursuing your passion should become your focus so that you don't waste anymore time in making that goal a reality. Don't look at it as a dream; actually visualize your new path. It is easier to achieve something when you can see it clearly.

Most people are fearful of change especially in their later years. Fear is the biggest obstacle in the average person's achievements. Inviting change keeps a person young and removes complacency.

Many individuals do not know how to be alone. They are not comfortable in their own skin. They go from one relationship to another without any time between the two. In fact many people already have a new relationship lined up before they end the first one.

How can you possibly find a new partner when you are involved with someone else? It will never feel like the right time due to the unknown fear. Pursuing your passion is always the right path. Listen to your intuition, it is never wrong.

If you keep attracting the wrong people into your life it is happening because of the images you are seeing in your mind. Ask yourself honestly what type of relationship you truly want. Are you looking for love or friendship? How well do you communicate? What does your body language say to others? What do you think of yourself?

By changing your thoughts you can change your life.

Contrary to what many people think attraction may mean, it is not necessarily what you may think. Being "attracted or having something or someone attracted to you" can be a negative. It is what you project that comes back.

Look at your relationships over the years, is there a pattern? When you say negative comments like you never meet anyone, or everyone is taken, who would want me, that is what you are projecting. Try saying I am going to meet a wonderful partner and believe I deserve a great relationship. That is what you will achieve if you say it with conviction. Letting those negative thoughts creep in continually will slow the process down immensely.

Send out what you want to receive. Try it for a month and be aware of the positive changes that occur in your life. There are many articles on this subject and some have been over publicized, but there are some great messages that shouldn't be ignored. Make a list of what you want and what you are grateful for in your life. Read it back on a regular basis and say it out loud.

People that believe they can have it all are successful because they believed. For all of you non believers, it might be time to open yourself up to trying a new approach to life. It can't hurt and who knows, you may actually become a better person and enjoy your own company which will project onto others. New doors will open and life will only get better.

Susan McCord

Susan McCord is an Online Dating/Relationship/Lifestyle Talk Show Host & Ex Flight Attendant. She attended BCIT in Burnaby, B.C. for studies in Broadcasting. She has over 130 videos online at http://www.beavertalk.com & http://www.youtube.com/twobeavers

She has a great sense of humor which she contributes to her weekly shows. She recently started a web series called "The Ex-housewives of Vancouver" where she interviews divorced women from Vancouver about their unique & inspiring stories. Susan also recently started a video promotion business, which helps businesses improve traffic to their websites.

Susan is refreshing and REAL which gives her popularity with all age groups and both genders! She makes you stand out & makes you think!

