1. When a man is attracted to you he is not just attracted to your personality and outer beauty, he is also infatuated with the idea of how making love to you will feel. And once you give him the opportunity to bring what he is imagining to life by making love to him, he feels that he has captured you and no longer has to dream about being with you. His interest in intensely pursing you starts to diminish and in some cases evaporates completely.
2. The other thing that happens when you make love too soon to the man you are dating is that you run the risk of being perceived as cheap and easy. You may have had sex with him because he told you that he would still respect you and not think less of you, but the minute you fall for this popular line, the value he places on you diminishes slightly.
3. If you want to build a long lasting relationship with any man, you are better off building that relationship on the foundation of friendship than lust. Get to know him better so that when the right time comes to make love, your lovemaking will be a culmination of the love you have for each other -- the icing on the cake, if you will.
4. Your self-esteem will suffer if you make love to your man too soon. Think about it for a minute. How do you think you will feel if you wait to make love to him versus when you make love to him within the first week of meeting him. If you are honest, you will agree with me that you will feel much better about yourself if you make love to him after knowing him for a few months or even after you get married, depending on your beliefs.
5. If you make love to him too soon and he dumps you right after that, you will feel used and devastated.
6. If you make love to him too soon, you run the risk of building a relationship that is based on how he makes you feel in bed, even when it is clear that he is not the best guy for you. Have you ever dated a man just because of how good he was in bed and not because of how good he treated you? How did that relationship turn out? I bet you it did not turn out very good.
So be careful about making love too soon to the man you want to develop a long term relationship with. More often than not, men will say that they are tired of waiting for the right time to make love to you, but you don't have to let what he says pressure you into doing something that you are not quite emotionally ready handle. If the man you are with now cannot wait for that special moment when you are emotionally and spiritually ready to make love to him, then he is not the right man for you. The man that is right for you will always be willing to wait for the time that is right for you.
To find out the quickest way to make your man fall madly in love with you, visit http://smartwomansguide.com.