Are you one of the people dating on line who says: 'I will not even look at a profile that doesn't have a photo?
Do you assume that the person without the photo must have something to hide? may be missing some very good chances to find not looking at profiles with no photos.
I know you probably don't believe me...but I've experienced it myself and heard it from others.
Did you know...that many people-- do not show photos because they are professionals in their field and don't want their clients, customers or colleagues to see them on an online dating site?
And that once you decide to contact people with no photos, you can simply ask that they send you a photo in e-mail? If they are still unwilling to send you a photo....then maybe you can say they're hiding something....but that's only a maybe.
Think about the people who show photos of themselves from 10 or 20 years ago? Isn't it just as risky to contact them?
And I have met people who don't want responses from those who would judge them only on their looks. They want the person who would choose to write to them because of their profile, their prestige, their profession or their appearance.
I believe it's the same reasoning that applies when others do not want to show their income: they don't want someone to choose them because of their income or they don't want to be turned away by someone because their income is too low.
There are hidden gems in the profiles with no photos.
Take my friend, Sandy, for example. She became a member of" and was actually shocked at how many people are using online dating sites. She decided that she would try it: respond to someone with no photo...and she requested a photo in e-mail.
When he sent her his photo she was literally blown away. He was a very nice-looking man. He told her, when they spoke on the phone--that when he DID have a photo posted, he seemed to receive emails from people he considered more 'plastic'--more into superficial things....and that's not what he wanted.
If you're not meeting people on online dating sites that are right for you....or you're frustrated that you're not finding love, give the 'no photo' profiles a try. Make a commitment to find 5 profiles you like... with no their profile and send an e-mail requesting a photo of each.
Have you ever had the experience of becoming friends first and then falling in love with everything about that person...including the appearance that you didn't think you would ever find attractive?
There is a difference between "that photo freaks me out" and 'I'm just not that attracted." If a potential match sounds like you could have fun with him or her, why not start with that...and see how you feel.
You can't predict the chemistry of love from a two-dimensional photo. You need to take in the whole person. You have to meet the person to really assess your experience with him/her.
So... if you never meet that person in the 'live,' you could be ruling out someone who would be a wonderful partner for you.
And here's the best news about the no-photo profiles.
You have less competition....because all of the others who are fearful of choosing a profile without a photo... You may not have to "kiss as many toads" before you find your prince or princess.
Your chances of being looked at ARE GREATER if you have a photo...with the current state of thinking among singles...but your chances of finding the hidden gem are greater if you respond to the profiles with NO PHOTO.
Now comes the more important question: Do you have the guts to really try it?
Try it out: you never have to meet the person at can start by requesting their photo, writing e-mails and talking on the telephone....all before you have to make the decision to meet or not. Give the chemistry of love a fair chance.
Have fun. See what you can learn about yourself.
Gloria Waite is a an expert on love relationships, who gives no-nonsense love advice to men and women. Learn more about Gloria.
People, who know Gloria, credit her success to 25+ years of experience as psychologist and her natural gift for 'getting it' right away and coming up with practical advice and solutions.