Internet dating isn't for everyone. Many people need to accept that.
During my travels across the internet dating sites, I have struck up conversations with both men and women. I am amazed at the number of people that believe they are in love, after a few emails and a couple of I.M. sessions. I feel they are so tired of being alone, they grasped onto this new person like a life line.
When acting out of sheer desperation, we choose to ignore issues that continuously slap us in the face:
Emails not being answered promptly.
Phone calls not being returned at night and on the week ends.
Our "love interest" refusing to give more information about themselves.
Their emotions switch back and forth...from hot to cold and back again.
At this point, I've learned to shut the "relationship" down. There are a few too many red flags for me. Before even meeting this person, he is already putting me through emotional changes! I refuse to accept or tolerate it. I know I deserve
Whether you have what it takes to find love online or not, there are certain ground rules that must be adhered to. I don't share them with my new "love interest". Until I can trust this person, it would be like giving a robber your house key.
Can you accept the fact that most people online are not willing to commit to a monogamous relationship? Even though they will give you the impression that they are totally committed to you? (They are hoping you will take your profile down, and take yourself off the market.)
Can you accept the fact that the person you are interested in, continues to pursue other people online? (Basically, they are still "shopping" for a better deal!)
Can you accept the fact, that at least 50% of their profile is probably a lie? Maybe there are small lies, or maybe they are much larger lies.
If you are unable to honestly say yes to all three of those questions, you do not have what it takes to find love online.
I strongly suggest, until you have "tougher skin", online dating is not for you.
I have been involved in online dating since the very beginning, and I have had a blast doing it! Along the way, I have met many Mr. Right's, hundreds of Mr. Wrongs, and I've lost count of the Mr. You Must Be Kidding's! Find out more and arm yourself with a few online dating skills. []