So why do white girls date black men? It's obvious isn't it? It's simply because they are human beings looking to find true love with another human being with whom one shares likes, dislikes, interests, goals, dreams and aspirations. White girls date black men because they are human beings just like men of any other race! Need some more specific reasons? Here they are.
It's Fun to Socialize: dating is always fun because you get to go out with someone else and meet new people. Its an opportunity to blend social circles and gives you one less evening of more reality TV watching.
Personality Development: white girls and black men, black girls and white men, Asian, Latino, basically men and women of every race can develop their personalities through the simple (and sometimes complicated act of dating). Men and women develop their personalities and identities through relationships with other people, and a healthy dating relationship, no matter what the race of the individuals, helps each person develop their identity.
Marriage Preparation: being in a dating relationship gives each person the opportunity to figure out, hold on to your seats now... what their gender roles in a potential marriage relationship will be. Yes, I said it, "gender roles". As a dating couple, some people would eventually like to walk down the aisle and get married. Part of testing your compatibility for marriage is figuring out what roles you each want to play. Again, the only race this is really pertinent to is the human race, and yes, that includes white girls and black men!
Of course these are not the only reasons that white girls date black men but my point is simple. If a white girl finds true love with a black man then I don't believe that there is really any hidden reason why they decide to date. Though society seems to have drawn an invisible line in the sand when it comes to inter-racial dating, true love needs to win out.
On the flip side, black girls are just as free to date white men too. And the truth is that for the most part they find the same true love with white men and develop successful relationships with them that are just as fulfilling as with black men or men of any other race for that matter.
The bottom line is that one cannot really give any reason why one person does something other than the actual person. Dating is a personal choice and one can only hope that the motives of the people involved are pure and in the best interests of all involved.
Ije Uma is the voice behind A lover of weddings and all things matrimonial. She specializes in guiding couples in the planning and execution of exquisite theme weddings. Her expertise is in weddings that celebrate a couple's heritage.