Did you know approximately 30 percent of the searches conducted on the web are people looking for other people? That number is growing and the list of searches is long. People are looking for old friends, former loves, distant relatives and possible heirs. There are long lost schoolmates, co-workers and sports buddies to be found. Perhaps you want to check up on a potential new employee or someone you met through an on line dating service.
The old fashion way of hiring a private investigator or lawyer to do the search still continues but most surf savvy are opting for the internet and its wealth of information. Even with the internet, people searches can be time consuming and frustrating. Here are some tips to help you conduct an effective and successful people search.
1. Gather up as much information about the person as possible. Name, addresses both current and past, employer, schools attended, affiliations, neighbors, relatives and family history.
2. Start simply with a search on Google or MSN. Use key words from the information you gathered in tip number one.
3. Almost everyone is on a social media site so don't discount your eighty-nine year old long lost relative. She might be an avid gardener and is blogging or twittering horticultural advice. Check out sites like LinkedIn, Face Book, MySpace, Twitter, discussion boards and blogs. Start with the sites that are a match to the person's interests and/or demographics.
4. Subscription based sites may be helpful. This would include reunion, classmate or genealogy sites.
5. Accessing public records on line can be helpful especially if someone is deceased.
6. There are many on line sites that conduct free people searches on your behalf. Some offer more detailed information for a small fee. Depending on the importance and urgency of your search it is money well spent saving you time and aggravation.
7. Be wise and avoid any site that wants an arm and leg to help you find the person you are looking for.
Esther Bartkiw is a Holistic Psychotherapist and Global Masterminder. She enjoys bringing people together for positive change. Esther can be reached at 905-630-4471 or visit her website at http://www.changefromwithin.ca