2012年10月23日 星期二

Things to Say to Women to Make Them Fall Hopelessly in Love With You

If you have been dating a girl for long or if you are new at the game of romance and if you are looking for few lines that would make any girl fall hopelessly in love with you, then here is where you stop to find those few lines. Read them and memorize well because it just won't look nice if you keep peeking into a piece of paper to remind you of statements that declare your never ending love!

"You are more beautiful than the thousand roses that I was thinking of getting for you". Now this makes it easy for you if you forgot to pick up the flowers for her and at the same time ensuring that she falls in love with you.
For a woman that you are meeting for the very first time - "Am I dead? Because I have never seen an angel like you walk this earth before"
"If there was one gift that I could ask of that good lord, then I would ask him to make you mine in this life and all others to come"
"wow, you are that star that fell out of sky yesterday, aren't you"
"I'm sure that any man would be lucky to have you and I will kill any man who has you just to make you mine for life"

Try these lines and see how even you can make any woman fall hopelessly in love with you. I know these sound a bit corny, but they work!

Bonus Tip: If you want to seduce any girl into going out with you, there is a POWERFUL technique you can use:

=> http://www.SeduceTheGirl.com

WARNING: The technique works so well you will get more than one woman to date you at once. If you can't handle dating multiple women DO NOT click here

