2012年9月18日 星期二

Love Test - How to Rewrite a Happy Ending For Your Sad Love Story Without Lying

* When you're asked about a past relationship, do you tell the same old story of its troubles and unhappy ending?
* Do you automatically explain the disappointments or betrayals that lead to a bad break up?
* Do you describe all the ways you're still struggling to get over it?
* Do you often mention all the reasons that subsequent relationships haven't worked out or how you can get over hurdles in your current relationship?
* Do you often complain that your love life isn't working out the way you'd liked?

How did you score on this Love Test?

If you answered NO to these questions, chances are excellent that you are enjoying a happy love life. And you are looking for ways to make it even happier. The three love tips you're about learn may give you a happiness boost.

If you answered YES to one or more questions, then you need a wake up call to new action. Here's your alarm -- You're stuck in unhappy old love stories that will stop you from enjoying new ones until you break through your big block to love.


Rewrite A Happy Ending To Your Sad Love Stories Without Lying With These 3 Simple Steps:

Step 1. Rewrite your past.

When you face troubling events in life or in a relationship, you have an emotional reaction to it and tell yourself stories to ease your pain or place the blame on someone else. The more often you tell these sad stories, the deeper they get wired into your brain and become an automatic monologue as you tell your love story. It's a sad old monologue that nobody wants to hear. People will tune you out or disappear from your life until you rewrite your sad old stories with some happy endings.

How do you do this without lying to yourself and others? Take the next two steps.

Step 2. Remember the love.

When you look back at your life, start to see through the eyes of love instead of fear. The popular acronym for fear is False Events Appearing Real. Fear is a false story that taints your view of the past, because only love is real.

You can choose to live in love or in fear by your choice of your thoughts, memories, beliefs and stories you tell yourself and others. That's hard to accept when you're gripped by many faces of fear, which you may recognize as anger, jealousy, sarcasm, addiction to food, drugs, limiting beliefs or any form of negativity that blocks love.

Your heart doesn't speak the language of fear. Your Ego does. If you'd like tame your fearful ego and rewrite a fearful story or memory, then you're in the right mindset for the next step.

Step 3. Focus On The Beauty You'd Like To Experience Again.

You get more of what you focus on, so take control of your focus. If you find yourself stuck in a sad old story, take a few deep breaths. Say, FEAR, to yourself, and then self correct. How?

* Look for the love lessons you learned in that experience. Now learn it so you don't have to repeat it again.
* Uncover the silver lining in the dark cloud of each troubling experience, memory, story. And give thanks for it.
* Talk about the beauty of loving moments and memories that you want to experience again. Because you will.

When you see your past and present through eyes of love and you speak from your heart, then you are ready to rewrite an authentic happy ending for your sad old love story.

This is how you touch the heart of your romantic partner and feel free to create a new love story in a new or long-term relationship.

Hadley Finch, is America's Red Hot Love Guide and Founder of Tribe of Singles, the only online dating site exclusively for resilient optimists who believe in great love. Her expert love, dating and relationship advice will help you get the red hot love life you deserve!

So if you're single, financially secure, emotionally available with a healthy libido and good sense of fun, please accept your invitation to meet your Great Love today at www.tribeofsingles.com

