Finding love after the age of 50 isn't always easy and sometimes means stepping out of one's comfort zone and taking part in activities you haven't thought about since your twenties. Whether you're divorced, separated or looking to find love for the first time, the senior's dating/social scene can seem non-existent, but we assure you that's not the case at all.
In fact, there are several ways to meet that special someone. Below you'll find a list of 5 great ways to meet and fall in love in the prime of life.
1. Online Dating. Online dating can be an exciting and scary experience for an average individual but is even more worrisome for seniors. Realistically, online dating is one of the easiest ways to find and meet new people - especially if you're been off the market for a while. And while we fully support online dating sites, it's important to do your research and beware of the warning signs associated with online chatting. If you don't fully trust your instincts, it's best to move on. And, if you decide to meet up with someone you've been talking to via the internet, make sure it's in an open/public area - at least for the first few dates.
2. Single's Cruises. Single's cruises are a great way to meet new people, relax and potentially find the love of your life. There are countless cruise lines offering singles cruises (specifically seniors) so sign up and start having fun. If you're hesitant to go on your own, taking another single friend might be a great way to spice up your trip.
3. Bus Tours. Much like single's cruises, bus tours are a fantastic way to see the world and get the opportunity to meet new people. Many bus tours tailor their program towards seniors, increasing your odds of finding that special someone. Call your local travel agent for tours and trips in your area.
4. Clubs/Groups. Joining a club or a group is a great way to meet new people without interrupting your regular routine. Generally, these groups meet once or twice a week but aren't strict on attendance. If you're thinking of joining a group, you may want to consider bridge groups, scrabble groups, community groups, church groups, Rotary clubs or country clubs. Check your local newspaper or website to see what types of groups/clubs your community has to offer.
5. Speed Dating. What's better than meeting a ton of people in the course of about ten minutes? Speed dating is a great way to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to finding love. If you have a busy schedule, this may be the best choice for you. You may want to look specifically for nights setup for seniors - unless you'd prefer to chat up twenty-something men and women the entire time. We should also warn you of the physical strain on your body. Standing up and sitting down multiple times in the course of a few minutes is necessary for this activity so be aware.
Good luck!
Mary Sanders is a self-proclaimed expert on senior dating. She's been playing the field for many years now and has finally settled down with the love of her life. She got to know her fiance through online dating and shares her dating tips with the readers of